The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

The only ones I used from that list are

SkyUI - got
All the patches - got
Convenient horses - got
Audio Overhaul for Skyrim - This or Sounds of Skyrim? Which do you prefer?
Showracemenu precache killer - will check out
Skybirds - will check out
Enhanced blood textures - got
Deadly spell impacts - used once before but had texture glitches with it
Bijin Warmaidens (used the guys presets as the basis for my character. Some very good work in here and the lad is great to communicate with) - will check out[/COLOR

As a rule anything in the top 25 overall is pretty much mandatory. Go through the catergories and then pick out five or so from the top 25 in each catergory.

Don't mess with UGrids. Seriously, don't. NVidias guide was written way before the community knew what a higher UGrids did to your save file.

Be careful when adding new worlds like Falskaar. The game will put quest items in them. I once had to retrieve a part of the crossbow for the Dawnguard in a Falskaar cavern and the guy who made the mod had made enemies what seemed like level 2,000,000,000. Five swipes with a double enchanted Dragonbone warhammer only reduced their energy down by 1/3. Yep.

Oh yeah, and if you have a female character, CBBE + BBP Physics extensions is mandatory too, although a lot of lads prefer UNP. Don't know why.

Yeah I read up on uGrids last time - didn't touch them. Can't think of anything worse than a corrupted save in Skyrim. It was bad enough in STALKER and a typical play through there only last 40 hours or so.

I've used CBBE before, was fun :D
I heard a lot of chatter on the nexus forums about SOS causing save game bloat. I used it a couple of times, and the dungeons one was epic. Tended to stay away from it though in recent times because AOS is an 'all in one' package.

if you do go with it, make sure you install the compatability patches
I don't stick with saves for long so maybe that's why I haven't had issue. Usually get bored when my level approaches the 30's and start a new character.
I don't stick with saves for long so maybe that's why I haven't had issue. Usually get bored when my level approaches the 30's and start a new character.

Ah no I hate that. Makes you feel like you're just repeating stuff. Starting a new character and going back to the start is like a corrupted save to me ha.

It's probably the same reason why I dislike sandbox free play. I love big open games where you can do what you want, but there has to be story driven goal. That's why, on games like this and STALKER, once the main story and quests are done, I quit and start it again. Thankfully, there is so much in Skyrim, that once you're done, after ~200 hours, you can start again and it doesn't feel too soon :D
I also have uGrids at 7 and haven't had any problems (this is on a level 60 or so character with plenty of hours ingame).

I find combat mods help keep the game challenging/interesting at higher levels. I was coasting through by level 30 or so, then installed Ultimate Combat and Combat Evolved and was immediately one-shotted by a guy with a massive warhammer.
I also have uGrids at 7 and haven't had any problems (this is on a level 60 or so character with plenty of hours ingame).

I find combat mods help keep the game challenging/interesting at higher levels. I was coasting through by level 30 or so, then installed Ultimate Combat and Combat Evolved and was immediately one-shotted by a guy with a massive warhammer.

I tried uGrids at 7 once, and chickened out and put it back to normal and reloaded the save. Giving Skyrim and ammo to CTD etc is just a bad idea ha.
Ah no I hate that. Makes you feel like you're just repeating stuff. Starting a new character and going back to the start is like a corrupted save to me ha.

It's probably the same reason why I dislike sandbox free play. I love big open games where you can do what you want, but there has to be story driven goal. That's why, on games like this and STALKER, once the main story and quests are done, I quit and start it again. Thankfully, there is so much in Skyrim, that once you're done, after ~200 hours, you can start again and it doesn't feel too soon :D

Live Another Life makes sure you don't do the same things over and over, sometimes I start in Falkreath, the next game I start in Raven Rock, keeps it interesting
Live Another Life makes sure you don't do the same things over and over, sometimes I start in Falkreath, the next game I start in Raven Rock, keeps it interesting

Saw that and was tempted to give it ago. I am sick of the intro cart scene (must have done it 50 times) but I don't want anything to change the main story too much...
Saw that and was tempted to give it ago. I am sick of the intro cart scene (must have done it 50 times) but I don't want anything to change the main story too much...

It doesn't actually change the story at all - when you're ready you just make your way to Helgen, find it burned to the ground and proceed to warn Whiterun as before. Great little mod.
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Decided to reinstall this tonight to experience it in 4k! :) Just ran through the intro to test performance and now am starting to setup my mods!

Modding the game is such a big part of the fun for me
Got a load of mods installed via MO and trying to run LOOT. I have it pointing to Skyrim, but I keep getting "Error code: -1; Invalid game ID supplied.". Any ideas please?
4k skyrim ftw.

Got my texture packs sorted, weather, sky, water, characters, skyui and now all I have to do its get some enb!!

Any recommendations??

Edit: Copped out temporarily and am running a sweetfx profile. Will look at the rest of the mods tomorrow.
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Got to say, now that I've got it all working properly, Mod Organiser and LOOT are amazing. Just cleaned all the relevant master files (except skyrim.bse before you panic) and have all the mods ordered. Now onto the next lot :D
I have only done the bigger hitters so far like the 2k textures, lighting, weather, sky and water but after looking into the one you posted properly it states to use their recommendation which I think I will try.

I haven't bothered with the little things yet like books/bottles etc but will need to have a proper look at all that.
So I finished installing RealVision, and whilst it looks good, it's not the best I've had it and it's certainly not the smoothest. Unless I've done something wrong, I'm rather disappointed. Getting anywhere from 15-60 FPS at the start, and that's with using 'lite' versions for most of it. Also, even with all the ini settings made, the game is just too dark meaning that it almost looks better without the ENB enabled!!

I reckon my 2x GTX670 just can't hack it :(

Not sure what to do as I can't be bothered to redo it all...
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Modded Skyrim is pretty VRAM heavy, unfortunately.

You can change the settings with shift+enter. I seem to recall finding RealVision having a bit too much blueshift for my tastes, although it has been a while (I'm using Purevision now, by the same guy). Most ENBs make (cloudy) nights and dungeons quite a bit darker. Lanterns of Skyrim adds lots of extra light sources if you want to stick with it. Brighter Torches and Wearable Lanterns also help.
Not sure what to do as I can't be bothered to redo it all...

Ok.... a few things to try

- Can you post a screenshot so I can see if it's 'meant' to be that dark or it's something specific to your post.
- Can you run a background vram monitor while the game is on for a bit and post results?

It's possible to run skyrim and realvision on a 600 series card, I did it on a 690 for months. IIRC, I had to forget about skyrim HD, and use the Bethesda textures. There's also a mod skyrim tuner recommends called optimised vanilla textures. That might be of help.
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