The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Ha, I've only just realised there are no toilets in skyrim. How odd. They have them in most games to add to the realism. Then again there are a lot of bushes...
Ive just installed Skyrim for the first time along with the ENB mod. This is probably the best looking game I've ever seen running in ultra! Amazing!

Is it possible to tone down the dof it can get quite annoying, it can blur stuff out you don't want it to! :P
Sorry, I don't use ENB(well I do with Realistic Lighting I suppose) but if you look on the NExus page, or in the readme, it will tell you how to change the options. It is usually just an eited ini line.
Ive just installed Skyrim for the first time along with the ENB mod. This is probably the best looking game I've ever seen running in ultra! Amazing!

Is it possible to tone down the dof it can get quite annoying, it can blur stuff out you don't want it to! :P

which ENB are you using?
No, none at all.

TBH you have to take a lot of the comments in the comments section on the nexus with a inch of salt..... There are a lot of 'casual' users who don't really use them properly and just blame a convenient mod for their problems. The amount of people on there who complain about texture reskins saying they broke their game somehow:confused:, then they say "oh btw I have xxx mod(some massive overhaul made by a 10 year old) installed":rolleyes:


If you download it manually and not through NMM, in the extracted folder there should be a folder named 'optional', there's a preset in there that allows you to use it without DoF. Personally I'm using it with the bokeh DoF effect and love it :D
Runs great with everything on ultra (including maximum fade distance on all objects), with both AA and AF on x8 - and I only have one card enabled! (two unfortunately gives me immense flickering). When loading into an outdoor area, I sometimes have to wait 15 seconds or so for any load stutter to go away, but then its smooth again. I was spawning stormcloak and imperial guards on me earlier for small scale battles, and it handled about 25 soldiers on either side with those settings, before spawning much more began to cause noticable stutter. I'm actually quite taken aback by how well the game can perform whilst looking so good.
I have it up and running now and it looks great. I might try and tweak a few things though. I have noticed a slight performance decrease, but I think it can probably be sorted out.

I can't recommend Better Villages highly enough! Riverwood and Ivarsted in particular look amazing.
Away for two weeks, steam updated it and now it won't work with mods/skse (you are using a newer version of skyrim than skse supports...). do I have to go back to the old exe or what's the workaround?
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