According to this:
See page 33
I'm not sure of my interpretation of this, as I'm unsure of how the whole framework fits together, but A.10.4 seems to be saying that we don't get anything back in a rebate, because the rolling effect of the discount means we don't over-pay in the first place.. it's like an up-front discount?
Which seems to be why the fullfact site and other fact checking places seem to be saying that we don't pay £350M a week at any point at all.
See it like that.
Every week we need to have £350m on the side. We do get a discount because we all have agreed to do so.
However we put to a pot the rest.
The EU then allocates what ever to our farmers, BBC (yep they get few tens of millions on subsidies to promote the EU), science etc. The rest going to the EU. Which is around half. Between £150-170m per week going physically to the EU accounts.
Now lets see what the EU has spend to our money the last few years.
4.5% lost to "unknown factors", as per EU audit & judicial office for the accounts between 2007-2014.
€5billion spent to topple the Ukrainian government, and put Poroshenko up.
€5billion promised to Turkey. When at the same moment for Greece to receive €7bn loan to repay the EU loan that is due, has to pass a legislation by end of next week, that all agreements of purchasing of Greek assets cannot be challenged in courts, even if they are given for peanuts and inflicting financial damage to the economy.
Why I am against the EU.
As I said before it started on the same principles like the Athenian Alliance. However shortly, in span of few years, the Athenian Alliance became the Athenian Hegemony. Driving all other member under the thumb of Athens.
and consequently to the Peloponnese (Civil) War.
Same happens with Germany and the core 5 satellites Holland, Austria, Belgium, Poland, Czechia atm in the EU.
Also who is Merkel, who goes to meet the Turk President, strikes a deal giving money, and promise to free visa. And then informs the rest of the EU for that deal?
The EU Commission has Minister to deal with foreign affairs.
Greece is member of the EEC/EU since 1981. However not a single ****er from the EU, has raised their voice to stop Turkey from invading daily the Greek airspace and flying armed planes above the islands. To huge cost over the last 42y not only in money, but in lives also. (to put in perspective, half the Greek debt by 1993 was due to expenditure to intercept the Turks from 1974 onwards).
On top, since 1996 Turkey is claiming half the Aegean and the Greek islands for themselves.
To maintain security, Greece has to maintain a disproportionate army for their economy size. To put into perspective, their tanks & artillery (cutting edge also) are more than the British, French and German armies combined. (10 times more than the British army).
Sure, a single word from EU (or NATO) should have been enough to put the Turks in place.
Also, here have, making deals with a country (Turkey), who doesn't recognise one of the member of the EU (Cyprus) and has even their ports closed to commerce.
So enough of all this EU hypocrisy, and should be cast to the oblivion of history. After all if we vote for Leave, Italy & France are the next in line to demand and possibly vote to quit the EU. (as per recent polls on those two countries). Hell even the Germans contemplating the idea to form a smaller union with the core 5.
After all EU (aka the Germans mainly), they going to lose much more than us, if all goes pear shape and we impose trade tariffs.
(FYI The embargo against Russia, that Germany is pushing to be updated for another year, costs to the British economy $10bn annually in net export trade but that's somewhere on the tiny small prints).