Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Oh man, I CANNOT believe a ton of people want to leave the EU, its past the point of just being polite now, when people are that stupid there is nothing left to do but shout louder - but then this does nothing as well.

We leave the EU, we are over.


MODS ^^^ the filter wont let me link this great blog that explains everything anyone needs to know to be honest.

lol. Panic much? Think you've been listening to the remain camp a tad too much, that fear has gotten to you.

Have a lie down, you'll feel better in the morning.
You're pretty good at strawmanning, I'll give you that.

Yes, it's very optimistic to assume that either; any drop in trade to the EU would be made up for by demand for those same products in the rest of the world, or that there is surplus capacity to produce products that could be sold to the rest of the world to make for any drop in sales to the EU.
So your answer to the notion that any drop in trade, and an unquantifiable drop in trade at that, with 500m EU members could possibly be made up by increasing trade with the rest of the planet is to pretend it's a strawman argument and ignore it.

You call such a notion laughable, but nobody, not you, not me, and not every economist on the planet, knows what will happen to trade with the EU, or to trade with everybody else.

What's laughable is to pretend you do.

Leaving carries risks. Only an idiot would pretend it didn't. Trade might suffer, maybe by a bit, maybe by a lot, but absolutely any attempt at quantifying it is pure supposition, because nobody knows. The same is true of Remaining. The nature of the risks is different, but there are risks. When we can't quantify, only predict, which in situations like this is a fancy term for guess, either effect, it's not only laughable but fatuous to suggest you not what could or couldn't happen.

If you believe it won't, fair enough. But to suggest it couldn't is daft.

Any rational decision on which way to vote entails the best risk assessment we can each make, and consideration of a range of issues, from sovereignty to immigration to economics, and so on, which and to whatever extent each individual considers them relevant.
Oh man, I CANNOT believe a ton of people want to leave the EU, its past the point of just being polite now, when people are that stupid there is nothing left to do but shout louder - but then this does nothing as well.

We leave the EU, we are over.


MODS ^^^ the filter wont let me link this great blog that explains everything anyone needs to know to be honest.

I cannot believe a ton of people want to stay.

We leave the Eau we are over? Are you Gideon Osborne?

You are actually pushing the same fear as your camp is hurling out all the time.

The remain campaign are having a hard time in my area and all they are doing is funnily enough do what you are doing shout louder. Most of the "benefits" of the EU have been explained away if we were to leave.

Remember if we did leave we would still be in the EU for 2 further years anyway!
Poor Eddie Izzard thought being a lefty luvvie would get him a standing ovation every time he spoke.

Yes! Thank you! I was saying to my mrs that person was image of that dude who likes to look like a women somedays.

Couldnt remember his name for love nore money.
SWMBO said to me last night, even if the £350m number is wrong it might be good politics because people are always talking about it and even if they all think it is wrong £250m, £200m or £180 are still big numbers and it fixes in peoples minds that it is a big number.
I am entirely undecided on the matter and can't see myself coming to a decision any time soon but eveytime a 'remain' picture gets posted on facebook that immediately accuses all the people who want out to be stupid, racist neo-nazis I find myself wanting to vote out purely to spite the 'superior then thou' liberal types that post them.

I'm trying to be open minded here but they are making it really difficult not to hate vote against them.
I am entirely undecided on the matter and can't see myself coming to a decision any time soon but eveytime a 'remain' picture gets posted on facebook that immediately accuses all the people who want out to be stupid, racist neo-nazis I find myself wanting to vote out purely to spite the 'superior then thou' liberal types that post them.

This is a rather silly way to come to a conclusion though as for every stupid 'remain' picture saying that there will be a 'leave' picture accusing everyone of treason or something.

There are daft people on both sides. Decide based on how you feel about the relevant facts, not because of who happens to support which side.
Yeah if you were forced to take action based on the personalities behind each campaign then then only fulfilling option would be violent suicide.
I am entirely undecided on the matter and can't see myself coming to a decision any time soon but eveytime a 'remain' picture gets posted on facebook that immediately accuses all the people who want out to be stupid, racist neo-nazis I find myself wanting to vote out purely to spite the 'superior then thou' liberal types that post them.

I'm trying to be open minded here but they are making it really difficult not to hate vote against them.

Seen a few comments on the QT last night and virtually every comment is from a leave voter. It is becoming harder and harder for remain to escape this self depicted image of fear mongering, hate and a blatant inability to debate. Garage from the short short excerpt I watched apparently made mincemeat out of them and no doubt his tone changed.

Take a long hard look remainers at what you campaign has become.

That's every debate/performance that leave have won now... We need a meme for Eddie izzard: "in denial.... No not the obvious for the remainers"
I feel that I've been doing the Hokey cokey since the referendum announcement.

In, Out, In, Out.

I think I will be voting out, but that's not because I don't want to be part of the EU.

I think the EU is a great idea that's gone bad but mostly because most of the countries involved in at aren't really invested in it. If we we were voting to Remain BUT have closer ties with the EU I'll be voting to Remain, but we're not. We're voting to get some half-arsed deal that doesn't really benefit either party and that's not acceptable to me.

So unless something changes, I think it's going to be Out for me.
[TW]Fox;29604365 said:
There are daft people on both sides. Decide based on how you feel about the relevant facts, not because of who happens to support which side.

O wise Fox.
What should I do?
I can see the pro's and cons of both sides
Along with uncertainty for staying or leaving.
All this leaves me wondering,
How can anyone be certain?
We don't want political union is essentially your view. This is another aspect that is hard to ignore. The UK is having its politics accosted or apprehended by EU apparatchiks year on year.
Seen a few comments on the QT last night and virtually every comment is from a leave voter. It is becoming harder and harder for remain to escape this self depicted image of fear mongering, hate and a blatant inability to debate. Garage from the short short excerpt I watched apparently made mincemeat out of them and no doubt his tone changed.

Take a long hard look remainers at what you campaign has become.

That's every debate/performance that leave have won now... We need a meme for Eddie izzard: "in denial.... No not the obvious for the remainers"

You refer to people who want to remain in the EU as a collective in the context of the 'official' campaign - as if it is absolutely reflective. Perhaps you can explain to me:

a) how is it 'my' campaign? I am not campaigning for anything. It just so happens that my opinion is that we are better of in the EU for a number of reasons and I will vote as such. The 'campaign' has absolutely nothing to do with that.

b) why I should 'take a look at it'? I have no interest in it, I've done my own research and through my own experience and outlook in life, I've made my own decision. Both the official campaigns are a farce and to 'take a look' at them would serve only to reinforce my opinion that they are not worth my time.
The way Farage explains things is insane and confusing, he just said.

We don't send £350M a day, we send a lot more,

We send £55M a day, which is £20B (£386M a week)

He then says, of that £55M a day, £21M a day we get back, (presumably via the pre-calculated up front discount and other stuff added together)

So we actually send £34M a day, which is £12.4Bn (£238M a week)

Soooooooo what's written on the bus is wrong Nigel :confused:

It's not Nigel's bus. He explained it perfectly clearly, it's the net figure which is important we see none of that back. Unless of course you listened to Sturgeon and those other 2 clowns on ITV. For every pound we get ten pounds back. Really I'd like some of that action sounds like a super investment.............:mad:
I'm now undecided again, like slap bang in the middle undecided. My concern is that we exit but there is further backlash from member states, the EU does get a reform and we are stuck on the outside.

The alternative is to walk away and hope others do too. Then there might be a real chance of reform. As said above the EU is a great idea but like all powers it has to accountable and regulated and I just feel this political union direction is dangerous.
Another thing that bugged me about Izzard…

Nigel, your parents are immigrants, so why do you hate immigrants and immigration?

I don’t hate immigrants and immigration, I just think we should control who comes here.

But your parents are immigrants, so why do you hate immigrants and immigration?


I’m glad the audience weren’t putting up with his nonsense.
It's not Nigel's bus. He explained it perfectly clearly, it's the net figure which is important we see none of that back. Unless of course you listened to Sturgeon and those other 2 clowns on ITV. For every pound we get ten pounds back. Really I'd like some of that action sounds like a super investment.............:mad:


I don't care who's bus it is, what's written on it is a misleading lie, and there's simply no way of defending it.
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