Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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How many more bail outs, how much more public services pressure will happen due to increased population and less border controls.

Immigration is a net benefit to the exchequer. We would lose money by reducing immigration.

How much more money will we need to put in to fund new countries that are not self sufficient to the block.

Helping other countries improve their economies also helps us because we are then able to do more trade with them and, likewise, so are the other EU countries and so the economy of the whole block is lifted. The small contribution we make is easily made back.

We will benefit from trade deals with countries outside the EU. Canada / Australia.

I'm extremely dubious that we will make any such trade deals faster than deals through the EU would come and, since the EU is a much more important trading partner and has a much more effective single market than any trade deal would achieve anyway, I'm extremely dubious that it could compare to the loss of trade with the EU.
Was in before, still in now. Totally turned off to both campaigns and their respective figureheads, scaremongering through to outright lies from both sides. I didn't really rate Boris before all of this started and he's managed to make me think even less of him.
Good video with Farage on about trade tariffs,

Says the worst the EU could do is charge £7 billion / year on British goods but our membership costs £10 billion anyway.

Highest tariff on most manufacturers under the World Trade Organisation is only 2.5%.

The comparisons in that video are pretty poor: Iceland, Norway and Switzerland are all members of the Single Market and have free movement with the EU. What we're risking with a Brexit vote is a much worse outcome than that - especially now that the lead figures who might get influence on the outcome are actively proposing that we'll leave the Single Market and abandon free movement. I don't doubt that Iceland, Norway and Switzerland would all choose to go from being outside the EU altogether to their current positions.

If these comparisons are poor then what would you suggest are good comparisons. Not many countries are members of the single market/EEA but not the EU.

The point being if the EU was such a wonderful construct then surely Iceland etc. would vote to join and further cement their positions at the top of places to live (GDP,Happiness index etc.) rather than unanimously sticking with their current arrangement.

Not sure how you think a Brexit would be a much worse outcome. We are far bigger than either of the examples, import loads more goods and as such have a much better bargaining position. I wouldn't put much faith in Gove and leaving the single market. After all you don't show your hand at the potential start of negotiations do you.

I think it highly likely if we do exit then after the initial 2 years we will still end up being in the single market.

Whats happened to data-lol is he bound by purdah as I haven't seen much of his remain textual overload for a while?
Says the worst the EU could do is charge £7 billion / year on British goods

Which would be paid by the purchasers in Europe, not us, but thats the point - it reduces the attractiveness of UK products.

but our membership costs £10 billion anyway.

It seems like a weird comparison to draw. He's missing a trick, too, by implying there is a net gain of £3 billion when in theory the actual gain is the full £10 billion as we don't pay the tariffs on our exports, the export market does.
We will benefit from trade deals with countries outside the EU. Canada / Australia.

Yea.....shame though since the EU and Canada are just implementing CETA that will remove 98% of current tariffs to set up a free trade agreement.

It's only taken from inception in 2007 to finally coming to fruition by the end of 2016

Shame we'll have to start again with our own negotiations :p

One of the great things about Europe is the uniqueness of each country. I only see that disappearing the longer member states are in the EU. Would each country have the depth of culture that they have, had the continent been 'the EU' from the beginning? I don't think so.

EU membership is turning the continent into a grey blob, and turning everybody into wage slaves - economic migrants chasing the dream. Until a few years ago you rarely saw Spanish people in the UK for instance - but it's obvious they're only here for the money and not a love of the country.
Was in before, still in now. Totally turned off to both campaigns and their respective figureheads, scaremongering through to outright lies from both sides. I didn't really rate Boris before all of this started and he's managed to make me think even less of him.

I don't know why it's even relevant whether you personally like a Politician or not, I couldn't care less about their personality's, I'm interested in policy's and how that benefits the country and the people I know
Don't know if anyone already posted this :

From the Telegraph(UK) today,

European Council president Donald Tusk has warned EU leaders in the bluntest terms that their “utopian” illusions are tearing Europe apart, and that any attempt to seize on Brexit to force through yet more integration would be a grave mistake.

"It is us who today are responsible,” he said, speaking at a conclave of Christian-Democrat and centre-right leaders in Luxembourg. “Obsessed with the idea of instant and total integration, we failed to notice that ordinary people, the citizens of Europe, do not share our Euro-enthusiasm.”

"The spectre of a break-up is haunting Europe and a vision of a federation doesn't seem to me like the best answer. We need to understand the necessity of the historical moment,”

Pervenche Beres, a leading French Socialist MEP, said she is rooting for a vote to remain but with deep misgivings, dreading the thought of a triumphalist David Cameron strutting the EU stage days later. “The United Kingdom would be even more odious to Brussels if it stays in Europe,”

There are mounting signs that the Dutch, Scandinavians, and many Eastern European states may not be willing to back any push by Brussels for a ‘Plan B’ of deeper political union – with an ‘EU army’, and joint foreign, security, and border policies - once the British are out of the way.

The eurozone’s failure to back monetary union with a badly-needed fiscal union a full six years into the EMU debt crisis has nothing to do with Britain, which has eagerly encouraged such a move. It is chiefly due to a German and Dutch veto

Seems to be a lose-lose situation for both the EU & UK, which ever way the vote goes.
I don't know why it's even relevant whether you personally like a Politician or not, I couldn't care less about their personality's, I'm interested in policy's and how that benefits the country and the people I know

I thought it was pretty clear that I was talking about the (lack of) quality of each campaign and how it hadn't influenced my decision.
Call it a sweeping statement if you must. But a large percentage of the leave sides main argument to leave is immigration and wanting to control our borders. Was a poll not taken recently with the brexit side winning due to their focus on immigration.

So your argument is because Norway and Switzerland (two countries that aren't even in the same league as us economically or in terms of global stature) have chosen to accept free movement of people then Britin must, 100%, do the same?

Here's a fact. If we stay in the EU, we will HAVE to accept it. No matter who you vote in they have no power to change it?

Even if, as I suspect, a Brexit vote will result in a preliminary deal encompassing free movement (like Norway and Switzerland) you're missing the point that every 5 years this can be reviewed and re-negotiated compared to an indefinite state of acceptance under the EU.

It's like me offering you two drinks, with one containing poison that will definitely kill you and one that will probably kill and you arguing you might as well the choose the first and just accept death.

So, with a large amount of people voting to leave due to large immigration numbers, i ask again, what is the point in using switzerland, norway as a good example when they are subject to free movement.

And again, the only people that ise Norway and Switzerland as example I've heard are the Remaoners knocking down strawmen. Even Nigel Farage cites Canada rather than those two as examples.

Please name me these Brexiteers that are constantly banging on about Norway and Swizterland....

Lastly, I am far away from being in a bubble.

You appear to believe that people who support Brexit only concentrate on immigration and think if you can dismantle that argument then the entire argument over leaving the EU will dissipate.

There are far more reasons to leave the EU than purely immigration.

If you want to leave, then leave properly. There is no point in leaving, but then joining back up again to the things that made you leave in the first place.

If you want to remain, then join properly. Let's get rid of the pound and replace it with the Euro, let's join the Schengen area and embrace the WTD by taking to court any employer who allows an employee to work more than 48 hours a week.
I thought it was pretty clear that I was talking about the (lack of) quality of each campaign and how it hadn't influenced my decision.

To be honest I'm going through a change of thought after hearing a little bit more of why coming out might be great.

There are always two sides to every story and I did vote in on here and I can't change it now but obviously these votes don't count so more videos and articles is required before I submit my main card.

It will be the first time I have voted, ever.
I thought it was pretty clear that I was talking about the (lack of) quality of each campaign and how it hadn't influenced my decision.

Both sides are obviously going to be biased because they're trying to achieve a particular outcome. There's plenty of information available for you to research and come to your own decision based on what you feel is important though.
Immigration is a net benefit to the exchequer. We would lose money by reducing immigration.

Rubbish, please stop quoting this flawed statistic.

When you can show me a report that came up with that conclusion that also considered.....

* The costs to the NHS and education system that immigrants having children when they are here are.

* That not all economic migrants will leave before claiming a pension

*That offsets the amount paid to exchequer in tax against the amount that person sent back home (so it can never be seen by exchequer ever again)

*That offsets the amount being paid in tax by economic migrants against the increased amount paid out to those on JSA because they can't compete with the ability to work for minimum wage with them.

The reports you refer to have simply taken a snapshot in time where relatively healthy, young immigrants have come to work and yet not cost anything to educate and rarely get sick; so the obvious conclusion is even if they are only paying 1p a week then they are contributing more than they take.
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