That's just another red herring from the EU I'm afraid.
If you want to sell to the EU market, you have to abide by EU regulations, whether you're IN or OUT of the EU. Countries all over the world sell to the EU and don't need to be in the political union.
Problem is, if a UK public relations company wants to do business in India (as per the Newsnight economics special*), because we're IN they have to abide by EU rules. Same as a UK company selling to a UK consumer.
Result - massive red tape and burden on business that even the Government accepts
costs billions and means barriers to growth, an environment that hurts innovation and generally favours big business.
Standards are going global anyway, if you produce a credit card it has to be to ISO standards, as does a lot of stuff as per
here. And where is the ISO organization based.....Switzerland
*That business owner was voting leave