Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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What irks me is why, if we are so important to the EU, did they reject all the changes DC went in with initially and gave us only some tiny breadcrumbs of a deal that they can just reverse anyway? It's BS.
Western POLITICAL civilisation. Poor headline writing. Still a little bit over the top :o

I noticed that - what I couldn't fathom was why it was a bad thing :p People are fed up with politics, but they're not fed up with democracy.

What irks me is why, if we are so important to the EU, did they reject all the changes DC went in with initially and gave us only some tiny breadcrumbs of a deal that they can just reverse anyway? It's BS.

Because we're not more important than "the project" i.e. create a federal super-state and replace extant nationalities with the concept of an EU citizen.
What irks me is why, if we are so important to the EU, did they reject all the changes DC went in with initially and gave us only some tiny breadcrumbs of a deal that they can just reverse anyway? It's BS.
In a word, ideology. The EU is all about ever closer union and any deal substantive enough to seriously deplete the Leave vote would have been anathema to the principles underlying that ideology. If they'd given the UK something meaty, like the ability to restrict immigration and benefits for non-Citizens, then other countries would have demanded the same and suddenly the EU's progress toward integration has gone into reverse.

On the pragmatic side, they also thought the chances of Britain actually voting to leave were basically zero, so no attempt was even made to offer a smokescreen deal of the kind that would have been quietly forgotten about after a Remain vote.
What irks me is why, if we are so important to the EU, did they reject all the changes DC went in with initially and gave us only some tiny breadcrumbs of a deal that they can just reverse anyway? It's BS.

I would have done the same to someone who spent years denouncing my organisation and then turned up expecting special treatment under threat of taking their toys away.

This entire farce of a referendum can be laid firmly at Cameron's feet. He reacted to a UKIP threat in the general elections by promising a referendum on a topic that his party and their press buddies had spent years poisoning the well over, and now he's going to reap what he sowed.


Next Monday they will say "the skies will darken and fire will fall from the sky, the crops will be eaten by locust, the rivers will turn red, and we going to lose our first born child". Not even Charlton Heston as Moses wasn't so dramatic.

The truth is what the Swedish foreign minister, Margot Wallstrom, said.
Brexit could cause the European Union to break down by triggering efforts by other nations to secede, the Swedish foreign minister has said.


If the EU is such a good thing, why the others want to leave, behaving over the last week like mice in the sinking ship?
I could do with a hand building this big ark in my back garden in preparation for the 40 days and 40 nights of rain we're expecting after Brexit. :(
Straw poll taken from discussions in the office today: Mostly mid 20s - mid 30s ex graduates now well paid professionals. I'd say 7/10 in favour of Brexit.
I would have done the same to someone who spent years denouncing my organisation and then turned up expecting special treatment under threat of taking their toys away.

This entire farce of a referendum can be laid firmly at Cameron's feet. He reacted to a UKIP threat in the general elections by promising a referendum on a topic that his party and their press buddies had spent years poisoning the well over, and now he's going to reap what he sowed.

What exactly is he going to reap?

A fat pension and cushy post PM job as an advisor and speaker?
What exactly is he going to reap?

A fat pension and cushy post PM job as an advisor and speaker?

Something similar to Blair.

Known as one of the worst PM's in history who led the UK out of the EU and into another recession.

Either way more austerity on the way
This entire farce of a referendum can be laid firmly at Cameron's feet. He reacted to a UKIP threat in the general elections by promising a referendum on a topic that his party and their press buddies had spent years poisoning the well over, and now he's going to reap what he sowed.

This is it in a nutshell.
It's nothing to do with respect. Greece got themselves in a pickle and had a very difficult decision to make. They got themselves so deep in debt they had to accept further austerity or look at leaving the Euro. They didn't like either of those options, but it was ultimately their choice.

That's no fault of the EU though.

They had to accept further austerity? who is "they" ?

the non elected, always ignoring the public opinion oligarchs, backed by the eurocrats? You dont seem to know the greek reality very well sir, its alright though almost nobody does.
I hope i dont get to see the same movie again, a leave vote which will never come true, i saw this last year...;)
What exactly is he going to reap?

A fat pension and cushy post PM job as an advisor and speaker?

I assumed he wants us to stay in but I see your point. Maybe he cares about the country as a whole? Ok, well maybe his reputation then?

If it was vital to put this issue to the public (who are wrong about nearly everything) then using it as a pawn in a general election and holding it in the middle of a really fragile 'recovery' was probably the worst way to do it.
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