Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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I would imagine that most people voting remain actually think this?


What the EU will have regardless of leave or stay is a scare from the UK and other states considering leaving. This may be enough to push through reform that makes it a little more appealing and sets us on a different course, though i would rather stay as we are if it was a choice between stay as we are or leave and find out.
Hum, we've just had a letter from the CEO urging us to vote to remain.

Whilst I agree with the stance and points he's made, I don't like it coming in like this.

I have told my bosses I am not voting as I cannot make up my mind. I will vote, at the moment I still believe in leaving however I will review all the information before I make my final decision.

It is clear that a vote to leave is going to be very looked down on if they found out.

Thankfully my vote is private like everyone else, nobody should be putting pressure on anybody to vote either way.
Hum, we've just had a letter from the CEO urging us to vote to remain.

Whilst I agree with the stance and points he's made, I don't like it coming in like this.

Either way, my employer trying to directly influence my vote would really get my back up. It's none of their business.

Letting you know their stance/opinion - OK.
"Urging" you to vote one way or the other is bad form.
Bob Geldof sneering at fisherman who want their livelihoods back. Is this the remain campaign in a nutshell?

Nice crowd. That's a few more votes for leave I should think.
I have told my bosses I am not voting as I cannot make up my mind. I will vote, at the moment I still believe in leaving however I will review all the information before I make my final decision.

It is clear that a vote to leave is going to be very looked down on if they found out.

Thankfully my vote is private like everyone else, nobody should be putting pressure on anybody to vote either way.

You should be able to make your vote without that worry. This is REAL world scare tactics pushed by the remain campaign. It's a form of bullying and could be seen as fascist behaviour.

You should not be discriminated against for registering your belief. But remain throw that feeling towards the people that choose to open ears and see through the lies.
Either way, my employer trying to directly influence my vote would really get my back up. It's none of their business.

Letting you know their stance/opinion - OK.
"Urging" you to vote one way or the other is bad form.

Well, if it could directly impact the business, and therefore your job, I say fair dos.
Personally, I think the UK will do just fine if we vote to leave. I think we will do better than fine if we stay.

How do you mean? Our current trade deals within the EU has led to horrific cuts in every area of public services, NHS, Police, Local councils.. the list goes on. We wouldn't "lose" trade deals, for example I'll still get my car serviced from my German owned company, and might even buy a different model.

Prince Andrew would just need one visit to Australia, or China to setup a multi billion pound trade deal as we won't have restrictions. We have the best sales team in the World, The Royal family!
I don't see how it's right at all, surely discriminating by political beliefs is not allowed?

The people in the Leave campaign want to have a bonfire of employment rights in the UK. Their objective is to move closer to the kind of labour market the USA has. In the USA employment is at the will of the employer, meaning you can be sacked for any reason the employer likes, got a beard your fired, high heels not high enough fired, vote democrat fired etc. There are some restrictions in relation to disability and sexual equality but nothing like the level we currently enjoy in the UK/EU.

You seem to not agree with political discrimination but yet you propose a course of action that makes it more likely it will happen in the UK. Where is the sense in that?
You gave me the link to this article, and its literally answering all your points for me. This is why it baffles me when people make up their minds without actually reading the facts first.

Baffles me why you're still confused. You basically still think that staying in the EU is best for our fishing industry? Speak to some ex-fisherman I suggest.
I don't see how it's right at all, surely discriminating by political beliefs is not allowed?

They're not saying you're going to be fired if you vote a particular way, or that they'll treat you differently, so no discrimination is involved here.

They're saying that it's better for their business (and as a result, you individually) that you vote a particular way - - i.e. they have assessed the business' situation in relation to the matter at hand and encouraged a course of action based on that perspective.
How do you mean? Our current trade deals within the EU has led to horrific cuts in every area of public services, NHS, Police, Local councils.. the list goes on. We wouldn't "lose" trade deals, for example I'll still get my car serviced from my German owned company, and might even buy a different model.

Prince Andrew would just need one visit to Australia, or China to setup a multi billion pound trade deal as we won't have restrictions. We have the best sales team in the World, The Royal family!

How have trade deals within the EU led to UK cuts?

The argument that we would stop trading is a total straw man. The issue is the terms. Its pretty likely that you will be able to get your German car but under WTO rules it could have a 10% tariff so be more expensive if the £ devalues by the up to 30% being predicted by some currency traders then it will be more expensive. So yes you will still be able to buy your German car but worse case it will be 40% more expensive.

Prince Andrew would be to busy ****ing 17 year old girls to do any deals! Beside you lot moan about the un-democratic EU so you want to replace it with the un-elected inherited position aristocracy instead! Maybe we should just go back to an absolute monarchy.
The Spectator comes out for Brexit (not a surprise):

The value of sovereignty cannot be measured by any economist’s formula. Adam Smith, the father of economics, first observed that the prosperity of a country is decided by whether it keeps its ‘laws and institutions’ healthy. This basic insight explains why nations thrive or fail, and has been the great secret of British success: intellectual, artistic, scientific and industrial. The principles of the Magna Carta and achievements of the Glorious Revolution led to our emergence as a world power. To pass up the chance to stop our laws being overridden by Luxembourg and our democracy eroded by Brussels would be a derogation of duty to this generation and the next.

(extract from its editorial)
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