Is there really a distinction between 'control' and 'reduce'. I would suggest a lot of leavers are taking the view that immigration should be reduced and Brexit will lead to that. It is not a straw man argument to counter that belief directly and claim that immigration will not reduce or be 'controlled' by Brexit.
But my point was that Remainers are defeating the argument that immigration will stop completely...
Example 3:58....
"If we leave the EU and immigration is dramatically stopped..."
That is a strawman, no one is claiming immigration will go to 0.
As for the claim it will reduce immigration it almost certainly will. 80% of net EU migration into Europe would stop overnight if those people had to adhere to the same conditions of entry as non-EU citizens.
Is there a reasonable possibility we'll end up signing a free movement deal anyway in order to gain free access to the single market? Yes. Is there a reasonable possibility the size of the UK's economy will get us a deal that has a more controlled version. Yes as well.
Jesus I am not suggesting that a market the size and attractiveness of the UK to German car makers exists right now.
Well you kinda did by suggesting if they lost access to our market they'd find someone else to fill the gap, as if it was no biggie or that much disruption.
However if trading conditions are altered then a different market might become more attractive and if demand in the UK was reduced then moving sales to a different market is a possible response.
Trading conditions would have to become extremely bad for you to give up on your current biggest market in favour of looking elsewhere.
The trade deal with the EU will be subject to a decision by all member states so what Germany wants will not dictate the outcome. They may be wringing their hands in desperation to get a trade deal with the UK but its not fully in their control.
In theory yes. However we also have French farmers whose biggest market is at threat. With both of them needing a good deal you can pretty much ignore the smaller states' opinion.
BMW can currently trade freely in the UK with no tariffs or import limits. Ford, Honda, Nissan etc can only trade by the rules set by their respective governments.
That gives them an advantage over non-EU car manufacturers doesn't it? If it doesn't then what is the point of being in the single market at all?
How does Ford sales prove that at all?
Because you are putting forward the implication that unless you're in a free trade area within another foreign car manufacturer then somehow it would put massive trade barriers up that would impact your ability to trade. The fact the best selling car in the UK is American owned shows that isn't the case.
If EU advatages were that great, BMW, Mercedes and Citroen would be noticeably ahead in terms of sales than the likes of Ford or Honda...but they're not.
I was under the impression most Ford cars sold in the UK were manufactured within the EU.
Irrelevant, all Minis are build in the UK but you still think BMW will stop selling them to us if we pull out of the EU.