Watched both live; both were media performances -- nothing substantial or special. Cameron's brief was not to lose big -- being both a Tory and a PM who would be blamed and attacked for things both to do with the EU and not -- and he didn't.
And on his part, Gove was likely told not to get caught up in the details -- he knew he hasn't got the same level of research and evidence to stand on and it showed; and the interviewer largely helped him in that. Such rhetorical exchanges that are fun but simply waste time, happen in Westminster and in politico-media encounters on telly often enough.
Dave's good at the playing-for-time jig too, but he didn't take the bait in this instance.
In summary, bits that stood out for me:
Cameron: How would you reduce immigration? He'll continue his 'attack' on (pull factors) social security and welfare. Which very much gives the game away for the other side as well, as it's a very consistent Thatcherite line of thought, alongside May's take on human rights and the like.
Gove: Insisted on key Leave figures, which are being crowded out in the debate by In figures anyway (e.g. 350mil-a-day fee vs 4,300 loss per household); attacked the interviewer not the issues; focused on promises which he has not proved can be funded nor he would have the power to actually implement/offer (the Leave line of 'no change of government/we are not the alternative government' makes this point rather salient).
I suspect it'll go on like this until the final bell rings. Though Dave's got one more major intervention in the wings yet, should he choose to go for it. It is risky, however, but could largely end the speculation as to what exit deal we would be going for. That is: it is the position of this government, given a Leave vote, we will be staying in the EEA, and you'll have to knife me to get anything else.
This cuts off both the immigration rants and rip-roaring new trade empire fantasies some on the other side are indulging the public with, but also calls the power struggle bluff and splits the Tories until it is done. Hence why it's risky. Furthermore, the undecided masses might just think 'Well, all right then!' and take the Leave option, not caring much about the EU or the emotional appeals to sovereignty; thus delivering a rather Pyrrhic out.
Atm, Dave feels there's no need for it, as it would damage not only the Leave case but the Tory party, potentially permanently, and he can let his erstwhile colleagues just hang themselves anyway.
We'll see. If there's a late swing, watch the headlines -- there'll be a lot of Sturm und Drang then.