I really liked this from Gordon Brown:
Good video, well put together, shame Gordon didn't talk like that when he was PM.
Coventry is politically on the left side of the labour party, I remember my dad voting for Dave Nellist quite passionately, even after new labour kicked him out for being genuinely left wing, and a good amount of the city did the same.
People like Nellist, and much of Coventry hold the same opinions on the EU as he does, following the arguments of Tony Benn. Pro workers rights, yes, but also pro democracy, which means anti-EU.
Yes, we were hit extremely hard by the war, forming the word coventrate in the process, but we were also hit extremely hard by the collapse of manufacturing in the 70's (which was a mixture of Thatcherite politics, and the effects of joining the common market), and have only really started to recover in the last decade or two.
The recovery has mainly been due to the rapid growth of our two universities, and the success of JLR. These have grown because of trade and investment with the rest of the world, the EU has done next to nothing.
Warwick and Coventry university are truly international, attracting great numbers of investment, research talent, and students from around the world, mainly China and India.
JLR was one of the great British companies to be failed by the UK and the EU in the 70's, and was then bought by an American company, and now an Indian company. These two turned it around and modernised it, and it is now phenomenally successful, with its most important markets being China, India, Saudi Arabia, and the USA.
The people of Coventry remember the history of the city better than Gordon does, and know that it's labour politicians have argued against the EU for decades. They know that the recovery of the city has been due almost entirely to trade and investment with the rest of the world.
Most of them, will be voting to leave.