What we really know about TTIP is that it is an economically and politically sensitive trade deal. When it is finalised it becomes public and then needs to be ratified by all member states.
Until then everything else is speculation and assumption. But if you want to use TTIP as a reason to leave then what makes you believe that a UK/US deal will be any better? Especially as it won't have to be ratified by so many other European nations?
Why do you think it's so sensitive? Why are even MEP's who get to see the current proposals asked to sign lengthy non disclosure agreements? Doesn't it make you question what they have to hide? They're keeping it secret because they know there would be a public backlash (or even more of a backlash) if people knew what TTIP/the EU want to do.
This is something that will impact the British Government's ability to conduct its affairs, effectively vetoing our sovereignty, and yet it's being hushed under the carpet and put to the sidelines of the mainstream press. Democracy is supposed to be about people being able to input into decisions that impact them, and with the way the EU is running this is the complete opposite.
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