Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (May Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 522 41.6%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 733 58.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I am curious as to how many currently serving members of our armed forces, and those retired in recent times are going to vote. The few current members I know are all firmly for Out. Has any sort of poll been taken?
Because those people fought to stop the germans ruling over europe as they did in WW2 & now the remain voters want to just give it to the germans on a plate.

Can you not see that. How much more does it need spelling out to you?

A vote to remain is a vote to ring the death bell for the UK.

And 100 years earlier we teamed up with the Germans to stop the French walking all over Europe.

How many wars would you like to reference, or would you prefer to just cherry pick the last two?
At the start of this process we had Farage and Brexit talking about a whole host of issues from NHS and housing strain, the fishing industry the loss of democratic control, waste, TTIP and on and on.

Boris seems to have dumbed down the argument into something far more woolly and unclear. I honestly think he is the worst thing that could have happened to Brexit.

Brexit need to start talking in clear detail about EU policy or they will have no chance.

Agree - Boris has been a massive let down. Gove and IDS have been OK but neither of them have the charisma to be a figurehead for the campaign. I just get the impression that the Tory ministers in Vote Leave are campaigning with one hand tied behind their back - they know after this is all over they have to go back to Cabinet and want to keep their jobs.

Where I think Vote Leave have gone wrong is that they've concentrated too much on immigration - the polling suggested that was their strongest card - but there are so many other good reasons for taking back control of our country again.
I am curious as to how many currently serving members of our armed forces, and those retired in recent times are going to vote. The few current members I know are all firmly for Out. Has any sort of poll been taken?

Well a dozen senior ex-officers have come out today in favour of Leaving the EU. Of course the BBC's headline is about another dodgy economic prediction from the EU funded IFS.
Well we can't be sovereign even if we leave the EU then... International law trumps even European law. Unless of course we become something like North Korea and remove ourselves from all international treaties.

That's not right, and has been discussed previously in the last thread, here.

There's a fundamental difference between a country giving its "consent to be bound" by international treaties and handing over supreme sovereignty to a foreign body. We have done the latter, many other countries have not. The US has agreed to a number of international treaties, but still has ultimate sovereignty.

Australia/New Zealand is another good example. Neighbors, friendly cooperation on a number of areas; trade agreements, certification, immigration, food safety etc, yet neither are suggesting they both give up sovereignty to a supra-national executive.
No, I don't think they do care. They all appear to hapless morons who have no idea what's going on outside their sad little lives.

In all seriousness, throwing around petty insults and snide accusations make you, and by association, your cause look really bad.

Neither side is whiter-than-white in this regard, but you're not gaining any friends (or votes) with that attitude.
No, I don't think they do care. They all appear to hapless morons who have no idea what's going on outside their sad little lives.

Really, you think ALL remainers appear to [sic] hapless morons?

Lets see....you have itchy on the leave side, who admits has no education and shows a tenuous grasp on his own native language [embarrassingly worse than immigrants I know to whom English is a second language]

Then on the remain side you have Mr Jack, who is obviously extremely erudite and highly educated.

And out of the two you think Mr Jack is the hapless moron? :D
The IFS have published their report into the impact of Brexit on UK finances, concluding that Brexit would lead to damage to the UK finances that would be equivalent to a requirement for two more years of austerity.

Vote.Leave has predictably accused the IFS of being EU stooges but even the director of Economists for Brexit has come out saying that the IFS are a respected, independent, body and this accusation is utter nonsense.
Most definitely out.

Oh, and I'm sick of hearing that moronic Brexit word. Joining two words together to make a new one was the sort of thing I did when I was about 10 :rolleyes:
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War is started by leaders and Europe as never been so close to being run by the far right as it is now.

Hold on there a moment.

The "far right" has only been responsible for one significant war in the last 100 years, the second world war. Liberal democracies meanwhile have initiated a dozen major conflicts.

Most of the modern far right are not imperialists with expansionists ideologies, they are ethnic isolationists.
The IFS have published their report into the impact of Brexit on UK finances, concluding that Brexit would lead to damage to the UK finances that would be equivalent to a requirement for two more years of austerity.

Vote.Leave has predictably accused the IFS of being EU stooges but even the director of Economists for Brexit has come out saying that the IFS are a respected, independent, body and this accusation is utter nonsense.

Ironically our net contribution to the EU is about the same as our austerity program
Really, you think ALL remainers appear to [sic] hapless morons?

Lets see....you have itchy on the leave side, who admits has no education and shows a tenuous grasp on his own native language [embarrassingly worse than immigrants I know to whom English is a second language]

Then on the remain side you have Mr Jack, who is obviously extremely erudite and highly educated.

And out of the two you think Mr Jack is the hapless moron? :D

If you're going to engage in gutter fights about which side has the most morons, please leave me out of it.

(And I thank you for your compliments)
Of course the BBC's headline is about another dodgy economic prediction from the EU funded IFS.


You Leavers can't even sing from the same tune since the Director of Economists for Brexit disagrees with you about that assessment of the IFS

I wonder whose opinion we should respect more.....to help me on that, can you explain how you arrived at yours?
I am curious as to how many currently serving members of our armed forces, and those retired in recent times are going to vote. The few current members I know are all firmly for Out. Has any sort of poll been taken?

Currently serving and voting in.

We have a hugely important working relationship with pretty much all European countries in many different ways, leaving won't change this either, it'll continue as before.

It seems pretty 50/50 amongst those I work with, the ones with a more open mind tend to be purely undecided and the ones walking around shouting out out out are also the ones posting bs links on Facebook half the time.

Also the whole EU armed forces thing has gotten quite a few laughs out of everybody
If you're going to engage in gutter fights about which side has the most morons, please leave me out of it.

(And I thank you for your compliments)

Fair enough ;)

But I didn't even elaborate how even though you have your own personal opinion on the matter you go to extreme lengths to remain impartial, post factual empirical evidence for people to read and make their own assessments on and correct the Remain side for their own inaccuracies (myself included :p)

Whereas itchy posts cat pictures....


You Leavers can't even sing from the same tune since the Director of Economists for Brexit disagrees with you about that assessment of the IFS

I wonder whose opinion we should respect more.....to help me on that, can you explain how you arrived at yours?

Do you deny that the IFS receives funding from the EU?

On Radio 4 this morning they said that this study is nothing new - it uses pessimistic, political forecasts from the likes of BNP Paribas and just packaged the findings in a headline-grabbing "extra two years of austerity" report.

You Leavers can't even sing from the same tune since the Director of Economists for Brexit disagrees with you about that assessment of the IFS

I wonder whose opinion we should respect more.....to help me on that, can you explain how you arrived at yours?

The BBC article states the IFS gets 11% of it's funding from the EU. 11% funding is enough to secure a favourable report, or don't you think?
Article 50 is a framework by which a country can legally exit the EU, for good.

Until we invoke that the Supremacy of European Law applies and decisions of the ECJ will continue to bind our courts.

We will exit the EU under article 50, but we don't actually have to. Parliament has the right to simply strike all of the EU acts from the statute book. We won't use it, of course, but a negotiated exit is better for us and because the UK has a long and proud record of respecting rule of law by abiding by its international commitments and a cavalier attitude to these things would harm our position on the international stage. None-the-less, the fact remains that the UK parliament remains sovereign.

Our treaties with the EU are really no different in kind to the host of other international agreements we've made where we agree to compromise with other nations and be bound by rules we've both agreed on. In extent, yes, the EU goes further than most but it's also much more democratically accountable than any other international body and brings more benefits to the UK and the British people.
In just 24 hours Italian and other coastguards and vessels claimed to be present to DETER people smuggling have gone out of their way to "rescue" 2600 migrants, mainly economic, coming across the Mediterranean to Europe, and brought them freely and safely to Italy. So much for the claims migration was a fraction of what it was thanks to the multi billion deal with Turkey to stem the flow. In turn this tenuous deal is at serious risk as Turkey attempt to blackmail the EU in order to gain visa free travel for the citizens. Something our security forces claim is madness.

So far from deterring smugglers and economic migrants we (the EU) still operate a free ferry service from international waters to EU countries.

The UNHCR are accused of deliberately giving biased information and false hope to economic migrants, encouraging them to make blatantly futile asylum requests that clog up the system for months.

Little of this is shown on the BBC, Cameron is in fear of direct debate with big gun Leave proponents, is it because his predictions for EU migration are so far off the mark he fears direct questioning over where this is all heading? Estimates of over half a million migrants coming from Libya ALONE this year are being made by EU officials, and are considered very optimistically low.

The only countries so far making a proper stance are Macedonia, who are finally seeing the detritus of a squalid illegal camp of violent migrants being removed, and hopefully the huge cost of policing their border, and the closure of a main railway line for months will soon be over. They are a poor country and one can only imagine the economic effects of policing and militarising this long running attempt at breaching their border by illegal migrants has cost them. Then there's Hungary, who have made a firm stance from the start, and shut their ears to the Liberal bleating.

Meanwhile the UK tax payer is financing a "Dial a Rescue from a people smuggler supplied satellite phone" exercise that just encourages more and more and more economic migrants to chance their arms in the Med'. What a stout response from the EU.... Pathetic, and we don't even have to look far for how to handle this, Australia has shown the way.
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