Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (May Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 522 41.6%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 733 58.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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^If there was proper vision and leadership in Europe on issues like the migrant crisis (the deal with Turkey is now at risk of falling through), the debt crisis (Greece is getting closer to leaving than ever before), prolonged stagnation, youth unemployment, rise of far right parties, and multiple other problems caused in part by the very existence of either the eurozone or the EU, I'm sure a lot of people would be happy to vote remain.
^If there was proper vision and leadership in Europe on issues like the migrant crisis (the deal with Turkey is now at risk of falling through), the debt crisis (Greece is getting closer to leaving than ever before), prolonged stagnation, youth unemployment, rise of far right parties, and multiple other problems caused in part by the very existence of either the eurozone or the EU, I'm sure a lot of people would be happy to vote remain.

Oh there's proper vision and leadership in Brussels - just not in a direction anyone wants. Take for example Franciscus Cornelis Gerardus Maria "Frans" Timmermans, the first ever unelected Vice President of the European Commission, he's been clear that diversity is non-optional for EU states (he's in Poland at the moment, delivering a diplomatic rebuke to the government there for doing what they were elected to do).

... diversity is humanity’s destiny. There is not going to be, even in the remotest places of this planet, a nation that will not see diversity in its future. That’s where humanity is heading.

Maybe he's never heard of China or Japan.
^If there was proper vision and leadership in Europe on issues like the migrant crisis (the deal with Turkey is now at risk of falling through), the debt crisis (Greece is getting closer to leaving than ever before), prolonged stagnation, youth unemployment, rise of far right parties, and multiple other problems caused in part by the very existence of either the eurozone or the EU, I'm sure a lot of people would be happy to vote remain.

Quite, if the EU had some cohesive responses to these matters I for one would seriously consider voting to remain, but when tested this grinding, grasping, over spending, inefficient, bureaucracy filled "alliance" has totally failed. It's been individual member countries, going outside the remit of the EU who have shown true grit. The failures of the EU over debt riddled member states, their desire to expand to include more debt ridden countries, and their failure to tackle any issue that's remotely contentious, like the migrant crisis, save by trying to pay an untrustworthy, nee corrupt none member like Turkey to do their dirty work, are compelling reasons to get out, in my opinion.
Im actually starting to think that Britain will leave now, judging by a lot of what my rational English mates are posting these days on Facebook and alike... Well over half of them are piping on about WW2, Union Jacks, german occupation, Queen victoria etc etc

Either way im sure life will go on as normal, nothing will change, there will be no instant fixes just a few terms/years of extra hardship then a year or 2 of chaos when all the minor EU members get shunted out for having worthless economies.

If "we" do vote to stay will the leave people shut up and get on with making Britain great again without moaning or is this a never ending snowball of moan? Like the forgotten Scottish attempt at freedom, which was so pitifully put down.
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No, I don't think they do care. They all appear to hapless morons who have no idea what's going on outside their sad little lives.

I know you're trolling, but I'll bite. I'm struggling to see the rationale to your post. I'm patriotic, I have a huge amount of respect for those that fought for us in wars but I also believe that we're stronger when we work together with others in a union. What does that make me?
I know you're trolling, but I'll bite. I'm struggling to see the rationale to your post. I'm patriotic, I have a huge amount of respect for those that fought for us in wars but I also believe that we're stronger when we work together with others in a union. What does that make me?

Just cause you don't like what I write doesn't mean I'm trolling.

Maybe you are.

I'm passionate about getting the UK back from all the fiddling non elected A hole's in brussels who are slowly ruing this country.
I also believe that we're stronger when we work together with others in a union. What does that make me?

What's to stop us working with others outside of the EU? I ask this seriously, btw, as a lot of the remain campaigns rhetoric seems to be based around the ridiculous notion that if we vote to leave, we'll be exiled from Europe or something, despite us being the second largest economy, first/second largest military power, etc.

Working with other European countries is unavoidable and has happened successfully for centuries without the EU. It's as if the remain-ers are keeping their eyes shut, pretending that the EU is functioning just fine when it is in fact beset by problems caused by its current form, without any solutions or reform in sight.
Just cause you don't like what I write doesn't mean I'm trolling.

Maybe you are.

I'm passionate about getting the UK back from all the fiddling non elected A hole's in brussels who are slowly ruing this country.

You realise that the people who decide the laws are actually elected?

What would you like the UK to become? What industries should we focus on. How would exiting from the EU enable us to better compete in those industries?
We survived just fine before we joined the common market. We can do just fine out of it.

But it's no longer a common market, it's becoming a communist superstate where you do as you are told.
We survived just fine before we joined the common market. We can do just fine out of it.

But it's no longer a common market, it's becoming a communist superstate where you do as you are told.

Things move on. I also see no evidence of communism here.

I'm amazed at the amount of people pulling the 'ruled by unelected bureaucrats' line. It's total nonsense.

To quote someone who can put this better than I can ...

While the senior staff of the Commission are indeed unelected, so are bureaucrats almost everywhere, including those in Whitehall. And those staff – as well as being appointed by the elected governments of the member states, and being subject to confirmation in their positions by the elected European Parliament, and having to report regularly to the EP – cannot make final decisions on EU law or policy. Those decisions are made by the Council of Ministers (consisting of ministers from the elected governments of the member states) and the elected EP. Furthermore, the general direction of the EU is guided by the European Council, consisting of the elected heads of government (or state) of the EU member states. And all the EU institutions are accountable to the treaties and the European Court of Justice. The idea that there is a European government in Brussels with independent powers is nothing more than a myth.
I'm amazed at the amount of people pulling the 'ruled by unelected bureaucrats' line. It's total nonsense.

To quote someone who can put this better than I can ...

The EC is the executive arm of the EU. In the UK the executive arm has historically been cabinet ministers, who of course, are elected for the most part.

The European Parliament has very little power compared to that which our own Parliament used to wield. The make-up of the European Parliament is very unrepresentative of Europe - with the UK having something like 1 MEP for 840,000 UK citizens, while Malta enjoys 1 MEP for every 81,000 Maltese citizen. There's a huge democratic deficit in Brussels.
I'm unsure if this question or topic has been discussed in this or previous threads however I am curious to know that if we end up voting in would the EU force us to fully integrate and change our currency to the Euro?

Many people I have spoken to believe if we vote in we'll keep the pound and we'll never go to the Euro. If they believed we would be forced to change to the Euro then they would vote out. It isn't something I've seen mentioned by either pro EU or Brexit campaigns.

I was also interested to read this morning how much Germany stands to lose out on financially if we do leave the EU. Whether this figure is 100% believable is questionable as it was stated by a media outlet. However it did get me thinking that if we were to leave whilst we may initially have a certain amount of unstability economically once we recovered from this and trade deals etc were sorted would we actually be the strongest player in Europe? Is this what the rest of the EU are concerned about? One would assume that as our current PM wishes us to remain in that this isn't the case but my scepticism says he isn't wanting us to stay in for the good of the country, that however is only an opinion.
This entire thread just proves why it's so difficult to find impartial information on the subject to make an informed decision. Lots of absolute nonsense about insulting soldiers, communist super states and all the other tosh.

Having spoken amongst my own friends it's obvious that very few people look beyond their own small areas of the bigger picture of staying or leaving. those friends that post UKIP/BNP/Britain first stuff on facebook are all for leaving because of immigration but have not even considered the other areas it would effect.

Those that want to stay believe that it's either a case of "better the devil you know" or have looked at the economic benefits.

what bugs me more is the lack of planning from our own government. I've not seen anything saying "this is how we will tackle X if we leave" it is all that it'll be terrible if we do leave.

The whole thing is an absolute joke and shows the complete lack of thought from those in power and i would say it is more embarrassing the Trump.

I still have no idea which way to go. I'd love to see how we cope, how we can change but I have little faith in any of our political parties. Staying is the safer option and thinking of the future for my children, I am leaning that way.
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