Which comes back to a question I asked way back when: Are the public really going to be informed enough about the complexities of the EU to make a reasoned decision? The more this campaign goes on, the more I think absolutely not.
Which is why people will vote for the things to stay the same.
If someone is suggesting change and I don't understand that change, why would I vote for it?
The UK is fine for most people right now. The remain campaign don't really need to do anything. The leave campaign haven't really put a credible case forward other than focusing on ridiculous immigration predictions and the few billion membership costs the UK.
I think a more pertinent question that hopefully will be in most people's heads would be:
Do i want the UK to be absorbed into a European superstate?
Yes - vote remain
No - vote leave
Which is a leading question designed to get No. No to that question doesn't mean vote leave either.
The real question is, "Do I think there are good enough reasons to leave the EU?".
The referendum question will be:
Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?
1. Remain a member of the European Union
2. Leave the European Union
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