I still detest the oft bandied about 'link' between the migration crisis and freedom of movement.
Migration Crisis in Summary:
- Unresolved situation in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Crippled Somalia
- Geopolitical disaster in Libya
- The civil war in Syria
- Deteriorating relations with Russia and their intervention in the region
These are the key pushes of the flow, the numbers of unaccompanied children, the camps. Offloading the blame here on the EU requires some very creative fiction. Remember, foreign policy is a subsidiary matter.
The EU bit:
- The Dublin Regulation, now under review
- Germany exercises its sovereign (the irony) right to suspend DR and offer direct claims processing because a few former Soviet Bloc states went into a fit
- The lack of the Turkey deal that's now in place, causing deportation delays and a backlog of applications in countries with little admin muscle to tackle them
- Free movement applies to EU citizens not refugees; it was not a right extended to them on asylum claim approval
- The 'crisis' part was caused in no small part by the negotiations respecting sovereignty, not dismissing it
- The response is holding up, the numbers are falling, and we are back to stabilising Syria (the part of Obama's visit people may have missed)
Brexit won't stop the flow of people from the affected countries nor our government's taking of refugees from the camps nor people attempting to claim asylum directly here; however, we've opted out of the resettlement plan, nobody can force it on us and we have complete control over what, if any, parts of the new protocol we choose to participate in down the years whilst in the EU.
We are not part of Schengen, but we do have access to the fingerprint database, European Arrest Warrant and security information to help resolve failed claims, catch criminals, identify economic migrants and detect fraud.
How much of that we'll still have access to after Brexit hinges on the association level we choose, the contribution we are willing to make financially and Theresa May's preoccupations as HS.