If we were 'on our knees' we wouldn't be the 5th largest economy and the target for every person in the 3rd world to try and come here (as also claimed)
So you're just talking rubbish as usual
Wow, Just Wow.
No wonder this country is on it's knees with an attitude like that.
Don't you even care about the UK? Obviously not!!!
Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
We are on our knees cause we are in the eu & if we continue to stay there it'll just get worse.
Are you happy to keep giving 55 million pound to a defunked club that's giving us nothing but migrants & idiotic laws that do no one any good.
The typical level of coherence from a stay supporter is to walk blinding in to a referendum & vote the wrong way then when it all goes t its up they say ' oh I didn't think this would happen' Too damn late then.
Any one else feel uncomfortable watching the Conservative Prime Minister share a platform with the Labour Mayor of London to extol the virtues of the EU?
Any one else feel uncomfortable watching the Conservative Prime Minister share a platform with the Labour Mayor of London to extol the virtues of the EU?
Any one else feel uncomfortable watching the Conservative Prime Minister share a platform with the Labour Mayor of London to extol the virtues of the EU?
Is there an actual answer there?
Why use the misleading number. It's not like the proper number is small.
Also a leading question much? Where have you presented for debate where that description fits the EU?
You will note that there is no emotive language in my post. The UK is pretty damn good today. You are asking for change. The UK being worse off in 5 years time requires something to change or go wrong. The remain campaign have presented bad to extreme scenarios of leaving the EU. There isn't a single economic prediction, that I've seen, using a model (not sentiment) which shows the UK will be more prosperous.
Yes. These are troubling times for the uk. Buttering up to terrorists sympathizer.
You really cannot see further than the end of your nose, can you.
And if people like this poster are the loudest voices of the leave campaign, that prey on prejudices then it has no chance. It puts question marks over immigration arguments especially when they are weak already when it comes to non-eu migration.
Switzerland and Norway had a lucky escape. They do not wish to join the EU.
Can anyone from the remain camp explain this if the EU is so wonderful?
The EU works like Eurovision........all the Eastern block countries agree with each other!
If your so damn clever, give us all your reasons why we should want to even think about voting yes?
However, if it is a question of let's look at what other people do, many more countries are in the EU than out of it.