Can we stop with the economic argument, it has no basis in this discussion.
The only thing that matters remotely to the economy is the trade element.
Fox made a comment earlier about Laws being amended to suit needs. This is true, however with iirc the exception of 1 matter the UK have been outvoted and thus vetoed. Democracy and Sovereignty = null.
Was having a chat earlier (again with yet another outer... where are these in voters?) Think my mind has been settled on the fact that the difference on this vote is going to come from Women.
Discussion along the following lines: Women are less likely to vote for things they "think" won't affect them. When fear comes into play Women immediately are more likely to take action based on the first available source relating to that fear. Any psychiatrists want to verify?
Scaring women may be Project Fears best bet as thinking about it most of the on the fencers I have spoke to have been women.
We have already been through this. It's a combination of the social circles you keep and the fact that many people that aren't absolutely passionate about the subject aren't going to set themselves up for an argument against someone with a passionate opposite view.