A points system. It won't be flawless, but it'll sort the wheat from the chaff to an extent.
No it wont, because a large number of the workers the UK requires just don't fit the profile of a skills based point system. Such system fail under the conditions I pointed out, where some government body far form the actual employers its making arbitrary decisions about what skills deserve points and what don't. How many points do you get for being able to carry a heavy load of brick for 8 hours a day? If someone can pick 200 apples in an 7 hour day and someone else 275 apples in an 8 hour day, how many points do they each get? Does someone who is 6ft4 get more points than a 5ft8 in person because they can pick apple higher up the tree? If 1 person has experience operating a combine harvester and someone else has only experience with farm tractors, what is the difference in points?
Seems much easier just to let the employers decide who they want to hire based on their individual needs.
Its not an awful barrier, it is simply not needed in the slightest and so any increase in cost and reduction in productivity is a waste that can eaisly be eliminated.There will of course be additional costs involved, and it'll require more effort than before on the part of the employer and potential employee, but it's ridiculous to pretend it'd be some awful barrier.