Stop quoting this Kipper gross figure carp. It has been debunked so many times even the GO talking heads are resorting to the 'billions going to Europe' vague non-stat.
Take our gross contribution, take away the rebate, divide it by 365 -- that's you figure. Than look at the figure we make from the EU, take the tax intake from that trade from the ONS, Eurostat or the treasury briefings, divide by 365 -- that's your figure again. Hmmm. Yep, we're being ripped-off -- it's a daylight bloody robbery, I tell ya!
I linked the relevant documents and sources a few times above. If I do the maths again, I'm afraid deuse will have a seizure.
You can also do a quick comparison: our EU trade as a ratio of the GDP, and our contribution as a ratio of our GDP. Again -- no robbery there.
And that's just the simple arithmetic which the PM will wheel out on whoever's debating him. Add to it the jobs in import/export, linked services, investment, jobs that depend on those jobs, big businesses, SME, etc. If you're generally undecided and cannot be bothered, then this stuff will emerge in the first stages of the campaign for Remain. You don't have long to wait now.
Even businesses without an EU link in their immediate network will often find themselves connected after a few degrees of separation either via wholesale, contractor or supplier.
But can we have all the benefits of the EU club without paying a penny? No. It's like me asking to use the local gym without membership or paying at the till after my free trial expires, and ripping up their terms and conditions just because I'm obviously entitled to use the facilities and the kit how I see fit, other customers be damned.