Since you've just pulled rob apart for his unfounded claims, do you have anything to back that up?
Never said we were, just saying his fear is rational!
The research found that most of those questioned believed they would be allowed to work, wanted to work and thought they would have to work:
Many of the respondents had worked in the country of origin (and acquired skills and had careers there), and wanted to do so again when they arrived in the country where they claimed asylum. Finding a job was important because it enabled people to rebuild their lives after what had often been traumatic and disruptive experiences. It helped refugees to regain their self-respect and confidence, and to focus upon the future…
I don’t want to be an illegal immigrant. I want to come and work as a nurse. I am waiting for the government of England to take me.”
People left in fear of theirs or their families lives for reasons completely out of their control.