Really put some time into this game in the last 2 days. Love it now! I liked it before, but played it in short stints as I found it quite stressful. I guess that's the point of a horror game, but now it's really beginning to feel like a great game that I can't put down. It definitely reminds me of playing RE4, and in some ways Condemned as well.
I've not read this whole thread, but does anyone else think it improves significantly from chapter 4 onwards? I'm now just onto chapter 7. The first 3 chapters I find strange, as I think they could (and possibly have) put a lot of people off the game entirely. I'm not sure why they made it so difficult for those first chapters, and then changed the game play from chapter 4. I would love to ask the developer about that.
For me there are some very difficult parts in the early game; sneaking through the infirmary to escape the butcher is really not a good way to start the game in my opinion. In chapters 2 and 3 where you're given barely any ammunition to work with, but you have a lot of killing to do; I just found that a struggle, and not in a fun way.
Chapters 5 and 6 although difficult as well, just seem far more enjoyable, and I actually like replaying certain parts to see if I can use fewer bullets and come out with more health. Some of the large open battle areas with ladders, bridges, walkways, and ammo/items scattered around are great. The survival difficulty seems spot on for me at the moment.
I know there are some hard boss battles later where I may turn the difficulty down, but for now it's a thumbs up from me.