The Expanse

Once you get passed the costumes/races slightly which are slightly cheesy by modern standards it is very very good. Definite worth a watch just put a little effort to get by the first series then it gets really really good, then goes a bit mental in series 5 when season 6 got cancelled so they wrapped it up.
There are lists out there that filter out the filler episodes. If I were to rewatch, I'd do this.

The scene where Kosh reveals himself was the best TV I'd ever seen at the time and is still up there.
I just started watching The Expanse again, after finishing the first book. One of the few things I have watched before reading the book. I think this will be my sixth time, I want to try to get through it all again before the last season drops.
My apologies, I've added a spoiler lest I further upset TV watchers
I'm on a full reread of the entire book series and I've just finished book 6 and I'm just starting book 7 Persepolis Rising. Now I love the books I think they are brilliantly written I love the changing perspective and interlinking story elements. But there is something that gets my goat about the Belters "winning" the Trade Union is just too powerful and doesn't recognise the deliberate and massive crimes the Belters committed during the war. I like the idea of the niche for the Belters and they are deserving of a stable existence but the seeming handover of life and death to the least stable and most murderous group in the setting just feels very wrong. Luckily it's not a major part of the plot and Book 7 soon moves past it.
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I'm on a full reread of the entire book series and I've just finished book 6 and I'm just starting book 7 Persepolis Rising. Now I love the books I think they are brilliantly written I love the changing perspective and interlinking story elements. But there is something that gets my goat about the Belters
"winning" the Trade Union is just too powerful and doesn't recognise the deliberate and massive crimes the Belters committed during the war. I like the idea of the niche for the Belters and they are deserving of a stable existence but the seeming handover of life and death to the least stable and most murderous group in the setting
just feels very wrong. Luckily it's not a major part of the plot and Book 7 soon moves past it.

Tell your goat not to lump every Belter in with the one group that did these things.... and also to consider which Belter is actually running the TU.
Make sense now, kopeng?
Except in both books and TV belters routinely kill inners deliberately for being inners. Also 40% of the human race is a fairly big crime and 2 TU Presidents were accessories before the fact to said crime. Got no problem with Drummer or the idea of the TU just that the balance is wrong. Feels like the Nazi's lost but Mussolini and Franco got top jobs in NATO++++
Except in both books and TV belters routinely kill inners deliberately for being inners.
What, and you don't think Inners do the exact same thing? How do you think this kaka felota got started?
Ere da same tim, da Inyalowda du slaves fo Beltalowda, unte push imalowda fo da edge fo peng, fore abandon imalowda to die....

No-one is a complete hero, here, not even Holden. Certainly not anyone who ends up with power, but that's just how life goes. The way it went with the Beltalowda is just good sense, so they're finally with you instead of against.
With the Inners it was more like the typical uncaring crappy-ness of corporations and Governments squashing the small guy for a buck which would include their own citizens too. Mars killed Martians testing the protomolecule, corporations used people indiscriminately as tools.

Individually and as groups the Belters show a much greater degree of hostility across the spectrum and far more targeted. Even Drummer is happy to kill to show political will.

I'm not claiming a definitive view more a personal perspective. I think the series is great just don't like that it element feels wrong.

edit: is there a belter patois translation tool for that lot by the way
It doesn't matter if it's just a small percentage of Inners doing it, though. Most Inners carry the prejudices and enjoy the benefits by which the actual perpetrators validate their perpetration. They go about their business, knowing that they're stepping on Belter necks in order to achieve this.
By contrast, many Belters moan about their persecution, but comparatively few actually take militant action.

The 'wrong' feeling regarding the TU is understandable, but many characters feel that way, including Drummer. They're all still figuring things out and establishing boundaries, but certainly they could never carry on stepping on Belters as a daily way of life.

Unte ya, deya im wa belta translator. Go tenye wa vedi ere
Except most inners don't have it easy and the books and show make that clear one of the themes repeatedly made is about understanding others perspectives. Billions of people on Earth lived on Basic, no job, no prospects (50% of the population springs to mind - pop 30Bn). Bobbie's perspective on the hopelessness of life on Earth for many with no options is key to this. She recognises that she has misrepresented life on Earth as being cushy not having to work when in fact the opposite is true and they live in a state of despair.
We glimpse Baltimore which is every bid as bad as the worst of the Belt and when repeated in other cities orders of magnitudes larger than the entire Belt population. In some respects the belters have it better than billions of people on Earth and what we see is a victim culture that recognises no ones suffering but there own. Which works both ways of course.

It's ok to kill so many on Earth when statistically so many of the dead are worse off than Belters, and in no way shape or form to blame and their benefit from the structural relationship is hardly clear.

Anyway getting to the bit in book 7 where change is afoot. Not sure if the TV is covering book 7, 8 and 9.
Thing is, some Inners and a good many Earthers have hard lives, but they still get Basic and they don't have to worry about The Powers That Be taking away their food and water or stopping their air (or the ever-present threat to them from simple accidents) in order to force compliance.

And no, it's not OK to kill people on Earth, as Belters aren't stupid - They recognise that many of the things they need to survive either come directly from, or originate on, Earth. They simply want a fair share of that at a fair price, in return for the work they do.
You seem to have forgotten the great many Belters that also suffered under the Free Navy, too.

I doubt they'll cover the later books, due to the age factor.
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