that looks good, i think ideally i'd prefer 'high ankle' shoes. ultimatley i just want something better than canvas shoes durability wise, but then not typical 'trainers' as such.
Straight cut jeans, are you kidding me.
Boot cut or not at all.
Slim straight jeans? For girls or little boys maybe!
Excellent timing Richdog,
I've just decided to start dressing my age but then realised I really don't have a clue where to start.
Thanks, and the same to other people posting their ideas, it's been very helpful![]()
Richdog - I just checked the label on my Reflectory Jumper, its 100% Wool !!!
Score!!!! No wonder it is so warm!
Slim straight != skinny Morba. Maybe not for you, admittedly but they fit 99% of the population without being tight![]()
Oh wow!!! Must get oneand a girl was impressed with it (Quote - "I really love that jacket")
Here is my wardrobe - I am 30 years of age. I haven't owned a pair of jeans since I was 15.
2 pairs of cargo pants - extra pockets on legs are damn handy. One dark one light. Max spent on cargo pants is £30.
5-10ish plain t-shirts of varying colours. Usually bought from where ever is doing 3 for £10 type deals on the high street.
3-4 fleece like jumpers. I think all current jumpers are Christmas gifts over last 5 - 10 years.
1 black suit in case of interviews/weddings/funerals. Spent £100 on suit.
3 white shirts for the above suit. Came in a pack from Allders.
1 pair of leather shoes for suit - About 5 years old I can't remember price.
1 pair of Merrell walking shoes £80 - I always push the boat out on foot wear as I am in them all day every day.
Half the t-shirts/jumpers each match one pair of cargo pants. Most items are replaced about once a year.
This is my work and home wardrobe.
I also hated the whole you've reached mid thirties now wear boring clothes and look like you've just walked out of Next.