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The first "proper" Kepler news Fri 17th Feb?

Nvidia have nothing to combat the 7 series, it reeks of failure, there has been no news or anything from Nvidia and the Nvidia we know would be smirking if they had anything, IMO it's going to be late, overpriced, hot, consumes loads of power and not much faster if any than a 7970.
Nvidia defo have problems to be so quiet the past 15 months.If AMD would
only sort their drivers out and bring down the price of 7970 they could do
a lot of damage.
Kinda shocked how Nvidia are letting AMD have a free reign on the gpu market
lately.GTX 580 prices basically the same as this time last year,no wonder Gibbo
said they're not selling.
I watchedd the leaked video...no mention of itrunning on new nvidia tech,or pc for that manner.
could have easily been a 360 demo? Or for that matter it could have been a 7970.unless I missed something lol.Only thing I can say to defend this is,the first borderlands used physx.my guess is kepler in appril or may at the earliest.
That's what I'm thinking. They also seem to overclock massively well.

I can't see the early Kepler cards beating an overclocked 7970 if the 'full' Kepler isn't out until later in the year.

Why can't they just do a paper launch so we know what we are dealing with ?! :P
such a kafuffle, the ati card oc to be beasts, but i hate the drivers, im running amd now, its good but, i did prefer the menu of nvidia and the in depth graphics options and how much better aa works etc. i liked how seamless drivers installed and bat,man physx, y know i might just grab a cheap 560ti
If Nvidia have something almost ready to launch then they would deffo be singing the praises of it (makes buisness sense) but as no noise is coming out of camp green, then I would assume that they are having problems? or they are just along way off a release?

I feel a little tied to Nvidia, having purchased a 3D vision 2 monitor and glasses :( I guess I will still be saving for a few months.
Not to a full compliment of 7970 shaders, at the moment anyway.

The physX demos were supposedly shown on the Tegra 3 chip.

Same old same old...

If you have problems with AMD drivers, grab yourself this:


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