HKEPC is one of the better know Chinese websites although I don't check it that much,but I find Inpai tends to be relatively unbiased last time I looked.
Look man I'm not being funny here but let me explain something to you, and any one else here.
When you sign an NDA it contains a good couple of pages of small print. In that small print it clearly states that if you give out any information
whatsoever or any technical details about the product/service you are signing it for then you leave yourself wide open to have your ass sued off.
That is just fact. So how come those benchmarks are up? is some one truly brave enough to go against that and risk their lives being ruined?
The only answer is no. No one who resides upon this earth would so much as dare to go against an NDA. Not unless they were clearly mentally retarded and did not know how to read.
So why are those benchmarks and a clear photo of the card up?
Marketing propaganda that has been given the go ahead by Nvidia.
It's kind of the same as when Gibbo posted early Heaven benchmarks for the 7970. He would absolutely not have done so unless he was allowed to and had been given the go ahead.
So what we do know is that based on history and how an NDA works that those figures are either clearly all out BS, or, they have been sanctioned by Nvidia.
So which one do we go on? BS? sanctioned by Nvidia?
The very fact that they are completely and utterly biased and loaded (and they are) and don't even (in a couple of cases) show the whole story leads me to believe that Nvidia clearly gave its permission for those benchmarks to be posted.
Right now the marketing staff at Nvidia want to make people believe one thing. And that is obviously that the 680 is better than the 7970, and thus will be worth a stupid price.
So how do you prepare people for such a high price? you simply show them your card conclusively beating the rival part, and thus you justify the price you are about to charge, and make people truly believe that they have waited for a better one, because in all of the benchmarks it is faster.
Well, no.
Nvidia have a very long and proven track record of bullying, lying, covering things up and giving out biased information that works in their favour.
IE - they are only showing what their card wins at, trying to build up a consensus that their card is clearly better and faster at
everything than AMD's card.
But, any one with half a brain can figure it out as nothing more than buttered up biased benchmarks.
People are already beginning to spot the clear flaws. IE -
Why only 1080p? why 8XFSAA? why is there just a simple FPS score for Heaven and not the overall scores, averages or maximum frame rates?
Why are all of the titles tested Nvidia proven titles that they have backed and stood behind? IE -
Battlefield 3. When you install a Nvidia driver they are loaded with adverts for the game. The game is also widely known to underperform on AMD cards for whatever reason.
Modern Warfare 3. Another game that was heavily backed and endorsed by Nvidia. There were even limited edition Nvidia cards from certain OEMs that came packaged as so.
Lost Planet 2. A demo that came packed with my GTX 470.
Batman Arkham City. As you load up the game you get Nvidia adverts, then find out the game uses Nvidia Physx.
And so on. Basically all those benchmarks show are the 680
Looking at them I would say it is clear that the 680 will not win at everything, so they have simply chosen the things it does win at and let out some pictures to fool complete idiots into thinking that they absolutely must have the 680 because it's going to be the fastest card on the market.
Which I would strongly doubt is true.