US: The Flash (2014)

I particularly liked the hurtful and expositional exchange between the nurse and driver at the children's home......."no one would take him, he's all alone" :p:p:p
What confused me about this episode was at the beginning he runs, goes through a portal, almost instantly returns and exclaims "I'm back, how long was I gone for" (or something similar) which would suggest that this was the time he was in the Supergirl universe. However doesn't mention it to anyone and spends the rest of the episode working out how to travel between worlds.
One of the other forums I visit is having the same issue with that bit, when the centre point of the episode is jumping dimensions again. Like I said there all it needed was two extra lines of dialogue, Barry telling them he jumped dimensions (You don't have to go into all the details of the crossover) and then Harry saying something along the lines of "Barry while that's fascinating and something we will need to explore, unless you you know you can control this ability we need to focus our efforts on a method we know will open the breach to Earth 2".

Problem solved, the rest of the episode plays out as is, and let's be honest for the next few episodes people are going to be too concerned with Zoom to mess about experimenting with dimension jumping.
I had a thought.. What if the man in the mask if Hunters Father. It would explain him knowing morse code? I dunno why I thought of it or if it makes sense at all but I feel its going to be an odd reveal.
The minute Zoom was revealed to be Jay i stopped caring. I found it hard to not notice how he speaks normally with the mask off and in ridiculously short menacing sentences as soon as it's back on again.
That episode had the most dumb plan of all time. First he captures zoom, fair enough well played. But then he talks him to death so much he escapes, shocker.
Then the 'trade' for Wally. After zoom handed him over Barry could have just kicked his ass again as he's still 'faster' which is apparently all that matters. But no he hands over his speed without any effort to do anything else instead.
As someone said, it better be a setup of some kind.

yeah i hope so because none of it makes sense!
The biggest one for me is, if Jay is Zoom why hasn't he just killed Barry when he wasn't expecting it? He could get him on his own, murder him when his back is turned, hide him somewhere and then go through all the rest of the team one by one. That wouldn't make for a TV series though.

But Zoom wants to take Barry's speed which he would need to be alive for.

Also: Flash S02E18 Synopsis :D
I've only just caught up with this so apologies for the late reply, but my god that was the dumbest hour of TV I've watched in a long time. I've enjoyed this show a lot, but that episode ruined a lot of the good work the writers have done. I don't get why Barry didn't just beat the crap out of Zoom. Surely the single reason Barry has been trying to get faster is so that he is quick enough to make it an even fight with Zoom? Then when he finally ends up with a speed advantage, he runs away from Zoom loads without ever attempting to attack him. It made literally zero sense.

Also, how did Zoom get back to Earth-2? They've already closed all the breaches and unless I missed something I thought the portal Cisco opened shut the moment he stopped vibing. Oh and surely all Barry needed to do to save Wally was just go through the portal Cisco opened/get him to open a new one if it was temporary? Then with his superior speed he could beat up Zoom and save Wally. Finally, what did the team expect was going to happen once Barry had transferred his speed to Zoom? You've given a psychotic, power-hungry mass murderer even more speed and then you rely on his kindness. Genius! If it is indeed all some big ruse I still don't get why they would bother playing such a long game when there is no obvious benefit. It might all be explained in the final few episodes of the season but currently that's the worst episode of the Flash.
twins, what if hunter and jay are twins, hunter saw his mother killed and went evil, jay stayed good, they both got power jay became the flash, hunter became zoom, the man in the mask is earth 2 jay. the jay that died, was earth 1 evil jay/hunter, the guy in the park was earth 1 good jay/hunter
Can a person dodge a light-based weapon? I guess that one dodge put them off bringing the gun for round 2, but it's OK as Joe had his trusty side arm - which he didn't use!
Rubbish that it wasn't a ruse and that Barry really did give up his speed for no reason.

Though on the plus side if Wells does explode another particle accelerator to give Barry his speed then it is also the perfect oppurtunity for Jessy and Wally to get their speed too :)
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Rubbish that it wasn't a ruse and that Barry really did give up his speed for no reason.

Though on the plus side if Wells does explode another particle accelerator to give Barry his speed then it is also the perfect oppurtunity for Jessy and Wally to get their speed too :)

was thinking the same myself
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