US: The Flash (2014)

yeah not a very likeable character maybe not entirely his fault but he doesnt bring anything to to show imo.

that's true, could be just to the way his character is being written but when you compare him to some of the other great characters in the show, he isn't likeable or strong.

And now the plot revolves around him not being quick enough to save Iris, so he tells wally he will have to do it, so basically saying "Wally you do it as you are actually quicker than me"!!

The way I understood it was that he needs Wally's help to make the changes they can to the future events in order to stop that event from occuring the way it did, not that Wally is quicker and will be the one to save Iris. This was reinforced by Wells being there this time with a gun (when he wasn't in the original point that Barry went forward in time). I could have course be completely wrong :p. Where are you in the TV series?
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but guys your sweeping the issue under the rug.

How pathetic was that Gypsy fight in the end ? I've seen Gay people on a night out throwing wheelbarrow punchers look more dangerous.
Season 1 - Barry needs to go faster
Season 2 - Barry needs to go faster
Season 3 - Wally needs to go faster


Couldn't help but notice, Gypsy said the fight was in 24 hours during the day. They fought 24 hours later, at night.....

Kid Flash needs an infinite punch right in the kisser!
This is awful so far they need to do away with this "Kid Flash" rubbish it's crap.

Draco is good so far but the rest is cringeworthy....
I'm not really liking this season of the Flash, it's going the way of Arrow in my opinion. Too much whiny character drama, it's like the O.C. in latex. Wally can't stop Clive Yorkin hurting Iris so he goes off to have a sulk, Julian finds out he helped create Yorkin so he sulks. It's all really childish and badly written.

Plus the cheese levels are through the roof this season and it makes it really difficult not to laugh when they then go into super serious mode.

I used to like this a lot more than agents of shield but I much prefer that show now, it's got less irritating characters and a less repetitive story.
I would have thought it was simple... He vibrates himself to pass through objects, he doesn't vibrate objects to go through him. So him being in the train and vibrating it would have had momentum to pass through an object. If he did the same with the rocks nothing would happen except a big red/yellow mess as the rocks were static. That's how I saw it anyway. And remember they are superfast not superstrong.
I know they play hard and fast with physics, but surely vibrating other people at their resonance frequencies is going to end badly!:D
That's the magic of the speed force. Whenever a speedster tries something that should just end in a bloody mess the speed force makes it work.

That or a Unicorn from that mime dimension, either or.
ZXSpectrum;30487505 said:
I would have thought it was simple... He vibrates himself to pass through objects, he doesn't vibrate objects to go through him. So him being in the train and vibrating it would have had momentum to pass through an object. If he did the same with the rocks nothing would happen except a big red/yellow mess as the rocks were static. That's how I saw it anyway. And remember they are superfast not superstrong.

Are you actually trying to make it make sense? :D
johnyccc;30492582 said:
Does anyone know if a speedster has enhanced physical strength?

A speedster has whatever powers the writer needs them to have on order to finish the story :p

I still really enjoy The Flash. But it's not a show to be taken at all seriously. I'm not really enjoying the Kid Flash story though, or the fact that the major enemy for this season is yet another speedster. Grodd next week though :D
satchef1;30492659 said:
A speedster has whatever powers the writer needs them to have on order to finish the story :p

I still really enjoy The Flash. But it's not a show to be taken at all seriously. I'm not really enjoying the Kid Flash story though, or the fact that the major enemy for this season is yet another speedster. Grodd next week though :D

Yeah the whole Wally part is awful. In the comic Wally is a lot more appealing as he was the main protagonist for a while. DC also changed him to bring in more Black superheros.
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