US: The Flash (2014)

Made a helluva contrast to the Arrow ep that came next :D

Starling City - Oliver being tortured for the umpteenth time by a psychopath... meanwhile over in Central City... "Suuuuuuuuupeeeeer Frieeeeeeeeeendsss!" *wild applause*
They have no shame... I kid you not:


<jazz hands>
Made a helluva contrast to the Arrow ep that came next :D

Starling City - Oliver being tortured for the umpteenth time by a psychopath... meanwhile over in Central City... "Suuuuuuuuupeeeeer Frieeeeeeeeeendsss!" *wild applause*

LOL, when you type it it's even more stupid. I keep saying "Supppperrrr friieeennnnddds" in a South Park voice haha!
I think I actually preferred Arrow this season - Flash was Ok, probably 6/10 but following the same sort of pattern with the big baddie at the end of the season.

The musical episode was sheer cringe. We ended up forwarding most of it.
Legends has been good this season the humour has been on point and it has result in a fun ride. As for Flash it struggle to get itself settle this year having another speedster as the bad guy was very uninspired and when they finally get momentum this series they torpedoed it with that god awful musical episode!
Yup arrow has definitely been better this season than flash.

Even preferred legends to arrow this season too.

Today's legend episode was lol worthy in some ways though, 20+ reverse flash's still can't beat mere mortals lol....... What makes it even more amusing is that reverse flash said in the previous episode that if "he wanted, he could kill all of them in the blink of an eye"
I loved the latest episode of LOT, it was great fun. The interaction between the characters was quality. It wrapped up the story of the Legion of Doom nicely. But... What have they done? :eek:
I do enjoy LoT but Thawne could have instantly ripped out all of their hearts like he did to Ray beforehand!:o

They really need to make fights/powers more believable across the board in Arrow/Flash/LoT.

People shouldn't be able to out-think or react faster than a speedster.:confused:
I do enjoy LoT but Thawne could have instantly ripped out all of their hearts like he did to Ray beforehand!:o

They really need to make fights/powers more believable across the board in Arrow/Flash/LoT.

People shouldn't be able to out-think or react faster than a speedster.:confused:
Yup exactly! I am not one to nit pick films/tv shows and can often over look all of that but this whole speedster stuff with not being able to beat normal human beings or not being fast enough to avoid a punch etc. is really frustrating now....
Don't forget Oliver Queen going toe-to-toe with Death Stroke and R'as al Ghul but then getting beaten up by henchman-level baddies because the plot requires it.:mad:
People shouldn't be able to out-think or react faster than a speedster.:confused:

Of course it wouldn't make much of a TV show if Flash just rocked up at a crime and just tied up the bad guys before they could do anything about it, rather than screech to a halt about 5 mtrs in front of them and tell them they won't get away, whilst holding a socking great gun that will enable them to get away as Flash has forgotten he can actually move out of the way or even move quicker than the weapon can be discharged.

Belief has to be suspended with any of these programs but they are not really offering up a great deal at the moment as far as originality.
As I mentioned earlier, the DC animated universe manages to accomplish this without Flash being too OP. I guess they do draw heavily from the comics though. The writing just isn't as good in the TV show!
was just on youtube and a video on the right caught me eye about the flash. It better not be be true what the writing said otherwise its a big spoiler :(
Oh? Do elaborate (with spoilers) because if so, I can watch it instead of having to put up with stupid Barry and stupid Wally and stupid Iris. I know they've already said the big bad next season isn't going to be a speedster but that's probably because they've used most of them already and the opening credits is getting a bit long, what with "my name is Barry Allen and I'm the fastest man alive; except for Eobard Thawne, Hunter Zoloman, Savitar and probably Wally West. Oh, and Supergirl but she's not a man so I can get away with that. Anyway, Barry Allen and I'm quite quick"
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