US: The Flash (2014)

Controlling inanimate objects is fine, but making a dino skeleton roar is taking the pee.

For this and many other reasons, this season is pretty **** so far. That incredibly subtle girl power episode was almost as bad as the musical one they did in the last series.
Yeah I would never call Flash dark. It's the CW!

Wonder what delights we have this week? Rubber man teaming up with Iris to take down an international ring of saliva dealers?
I still can't get my head around how a failed junior reporter is somehow in charge of the World's most advanced particle accelerator laboratory and can boss around a bloke who can run so fast he can travel through time, his support team of highly intelligent scientists (One of whom hails from an actual different Earth in the multiverse) and her own father - a ******* police officer. Can't they go back and just let Savitar finish his mission?
Exactly - "Barry can I have a word please?" **** off Iris.

This week was better, just one question. How the **** does he get into that chair? That looked like the most inefficient way for a wheelchair user to get on-board :p.
Yeah this week's episode was a significant improvement, none of the cheesy humour we've had to suffer so far this season, much more focused and serious. What's bizarre is that they are capable of producing an episode like that but have also served up such dross so far this season.
Serious question, how are Cisco etc surviving? Are they paying them a wage as Barry and Joe seem to be the only ones holding down a job
Serious question, how are Cisco etc surviving? Are they paying them a wage as Barry and Joe seem to be the only ones holding down a job

STAR Labs resources? Presumably they still get royalties from patents, still employ Cisco, Caitlyn, etc. Barry is technically the owner of whatever is left. Oh and "SPEEDFORCE!"
Who's feeding the inmates and emptying their slop buckets?

They've all gone now to a proper meta prison. It was always silly, how they could be kept in a tiny box with nothing in it. Flash doesn't like to hurt people, but he's happy to lock them up in tortuous conditions that would have a SS prison guard wincing.
Watched the last episode there based on positive comments and yup that was a better episode.

Although looks like we are back to Barry being the slowest speedster come next episode i.e. the crossover and Wells/Thawne is still faster :rolleyes:
A few small niggles aside the whole crossover was decent. My only real issue was the reminder of why I gave up on Arrow in the first place when Felicity totally killed the final scene by upstaging other characters' moment.
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