US: The Flash (2014)

Watching the final one now... but must say

When Grey died was one of the most heart wrenching scenes in a TV show ive seen. Up there with Vincents death in bones or Carsons death in Atlantis
I thought the crossover was superb. Great combination of the entire roster, Good but silly story, great action scenes (Yes the CG was a little ropey but meh comics) and some REALLY touching scenes. Some of the best superhero tv to date.
That was actually 4 episodes of fun nonsense.
Quite enjoyable :)

However seeing everyone from 4 shows together made me realise once again that writers simply cannot write good strong women characters. Every woman in a TV has to be a combination of....
1) Gorgeous.
2) Some kind of smug, smack talking alpha female.
3) Better than everyone else in the world at whatever her special skill is.

God damn someone much have been cutting onions near me during that last ep. How else to explain the water in my eyes? :(
Yep same here. It was a shame to see him go as he was a great character and very well played by Victor Garber. It would have been funnier tho if they had gotten the bottles mixed up and at the funeral when he gave them a hug he stuck to them :D
I found this four part really enjoyable, I hope they do more in the future, however although I really enjoyed it I did have two big issues with the plot:

Did they have to go with the mega happy ending? I mean yes I know they lost one hero but that's an exceptionally cheap price for defeating all the villains, effectively liberating Earth X from Nazi rule and killing all but one of the villains lol. I mean even when Star Trek changed the Borg from the most feared race in the galaxy to Janeway's playthings they took more than three episodes from their introduction about it

Where was Uberman? (or any other Justice League Axis members) As Superman is an established character in the Supergirl universe and she even mentioned him to reverse flash as a threat, it seems very odd that Uberman is conspicuous by his absence, especially considering Ubergirl's weakened state. I expected him to be back guarding Earth X but no nothing, maybe the writers didn't want to have the three most powerful beings in the story all being Kryptonian and overshadowing everyone else but his absence just seems more like shoddy writing than plot.
Wasn't it Overgirl and Overman? Like you said, it would probably have been a little overkill and remember he is only superman on the same earth as Kara so he may not have been the same character in the Earth-X universe. Or maybe they just wanted to concentrate on the characters that have a decent presence within the CW Universe. There was no Earth-X Barry either? Don't recall anything about that.
Enjoyable messy fun but......I struggle to understand Killer Frost's powers - sometimes she can do a hell of a lot and other times she can't even freeze someone on touch (burst out laughing with her ice slide all the way up to the Waverider). Metallo was laughable. Way too much relationship drama even for the CW. Some classic LoT "we have guns so lets have a fisty cuff". How did evil Oliver become Fuhrer when Reverse Flash and Supergirl were considerably more powerful. The whole Jacks being annoyed at Stein dragged out way too long considering he went behind his back at the start of this. What does Firestorm actually do? I keep hearing "the power of a nuclear reactor" and their powers on paper sound decent but the only thing they have done since his first apperance is fly around a bit and fire a Home Alone-esque fireball here and there. Iris and Felicity taking out those guards :p:p:p!!

But as I said, messy fun and it was good to see Captain Cold back.
Enjoyed the crossover, much better than last years effort. Some dodgy CGI and a lot of over the top soppyness but hey...its the CW.
Does anyone remember in season 1 when Barry was SO fast, that he could literally have a conversation with Iris, professing his love for her while he was right in front of her?
And he's only gotten faster since then.

Hey Barry, next time you're framed for murder, here's an idea.
Clean the crime scene and move the body 100 miles away before even the first cop makes it through the door. Just a suggestion ;)
Does anyone remember in season 1 when Barry was SO fast, that he could literally have a conversation with Iris, professing his love for her while he was right in front of her?
And he's only gotten faster since then.

Hey Barry, next time you're framed for murder, here's an idea.
Clean the crime scene and move the body 100 miles away before even the first cop makes it through the door. Just a suggestion ;)

Well considering that The Thinker has already shown that he can calculate the outcomes of every eventuality surely he would have planned for that no? I believe in the few seconds that he started to realise that and it was futile to run. ;)

Captain Cold is quality... And he has been on the old timey pills again! He sounds like a wartime radio broadcaster! :D
Is this safe to start watching again??? Other than last weeks cross over I havent watched it for about 4 weeks! Is it still bad??
The latest episode is terrible imo. Very poor cliffhanger ending and once again decisions taken by team Flash are completely illogical and things that they wouldn't really do. The writers have basically bodged the script so that they can get to the cliffhanger.
The latest episode is terrible imo. Very poor cliffhanger ending and once again decisions taken by team Flash are completely illogical and things that they wouldn't really do. The writers have basically bodged the script so that they can get to the cliffhanger.

Agree completely. That ending made zero sense...
Barry knows he's not dead, knows he didn't do it and is being set up, knows all his friends/family are in danger, so why would he just stand there and be arrested for something he didn't do... he had so many options it was untrue. He could have super speeded away and got himself seen casually browsing a shop on CCTV, alibi created and not stood over a body when the cops came bursting in. He could have just super speeded home while DeVo was still talking to him on the phone and super speed uppercutted him into the stratosphere. He could have super speeded the body away and cleaned the place up. And about a million other options... just lazy writing to make false tension.
Yep, agree. My other problem is that whenever you make the decision to include a 'genius' character in a TV show you put serious pressure on the writers to be smart and savvy enough to write a character who actually comes across as a genius, that as the plot unfolds you can see the character's genius really clearly through his actions. I'm simply not getting that from DeVoe.

DeVoe has been able to succeed against team Flash in large part because they keep on making stupid decisions. Such as:

  1. Storing the samurai robot at Star Labs, and also failing to realise there was a camera built in that was recording them. Also, if DeVoe is able to anticipate and predict every possible outcome, why does he even need a camera recording team Flash? Surely he'd have already predicted all their actions so wouldn't need an insight into what they're up to?
  2. Team Flash inexplicably letting Amunet go on two separate occasions, only for it to then be revealed that she was crucial to DeVoe's plans with Brainstorm. Every other time Flash has captured someone like Amunet. They could have made it more believable if they'd had DeVoe break Amunet out of Ironheights after team Flash had captured her. Deciding to let her go not once, but twice, makes no sense and isn't something the team would do if it weren't needed for the purposes of driving the plot forwards.
  3. Helping free Brainstorm from Amunet and then just letting him wander off. They knew Amunet and DeVoe were working together, and that Amunet was still at large after they decided to not capture her again, plus they couldn't have been certain that DeVoe was dead, so why let Brainstorm leave? They were aware that Amunet wanted Brainstorm for an important buyer, obviously DeVoe once they figured out they were working together, so surely they should keep him safe and secure until they've apprehended Amunet and confirmed that DeVoe is indeed dead?

It really bugs me when writers have dumb things happen because it's the easiest way of pushing the plot forwards, it's so lazy. There are definitely better ways the Flash writers could have scripted things. It makes all the payoffs and plot developments less meaningful and enjoyable for a viewer, because they are coming from a place of stupidity.
For a mid season finale episode what a lack luster failure that was, highlight was Starbuck going ham on the acting. Laughable that oh the CGI budget for the flying chair is getting low quick we better make him transfer into a newer younger sexier body :rolleyes:
Weak midseason. Think I'm done tbh. The only mystery the show has left for me is what the hell is Starbuck's accent supposed to be. It's like a tour of Australian, South African, American and 3 different, incompatible English dialects everytime she speaks.
I find that I'm arguing with myself after each episode. The characters get dumber with each new show. I do wonder why I still watch this to be honest.
I find that I'm arguing with myself after each episode. The characters get dumber with each new show. I do wonder why I still watch this to be honest.

Yeah, my wife gave up on this last season. Weirdly I am still stubbornly watching it. I really don't know why. I already know it won't get better, same goes for Arrow. I feel I am watching them trying to will them to be good and convince myself I am enjoying them.
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