The Grand Tour

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Namibia special was best so far, but still felt something was missing - Namibia/Botwana special from few years back or Bolivia special were really good.
The first part "getting lost" then returning back was completely unnecessary. Also wish there were more challenges.
But still enjoyed it and can relate to some of their experience, as drove on some of the roads they used to. It's a beautiful and rough country, hope I can return there soon.
just caught up, pretty good. no bolivia, vietnam, burma, botswana, north pole special, but certainly better than the indian one.

lack of different scenery and population(lack of interaction with others, like when the fit girl was trying to teach Clarkson how to use the scooter) hindered it more than any scripting etc imo. Also none of the local food, beating snake heart, or the chair leg french baguette like thing.
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Saw the Namibia specials last night, awesome. That moment when they drove all night and then found themselves back at the sea was priceless (helped by mays reaction) and Clarksons "sit ref" was priceless XD
I've been watching this since the beginning and feel now is the time to chime in..

Filmography has been top drawer. Honestly, you can tell they've invested in the camera equipment and kept what made TG great. On that note you could say that the quality has been equally (if not) as scattershot. I wasn't expecting a hard hitting TV series but there's been some serious variation in the episodes which gave the impression like they mucked about with the broadcast order or went back and filmed extra pieces because they could.

This may come across as negative and it's not meant that way. I have enjoyed almost all of the episodes for what they are: entertainment but just feel that there was a distinct lack of consistency in the content. Those containing decent info pieces were few and far between which has made the more sparse episodes looking like inferior filler, evident by the inclusion of multiple tent pieces in some episodes.

The track... is rubbish. The introduction to the course was humorous but it doesn't look particularly engaging for the driver. Nothing against "the american" but he himself needs more screen time or binning.. having a guest driver thrash a car around a track with no additional comments feels a bit pointless. At least TG used to include mentions that "the stig thought xyz" which gave you a bit of insight. Have the american seriously discuss the handling, how fast the car feels etc for the lap if you have to but the cheesy digs and "communist" crap gets old quickly.

Celebrity brain crash... should have been binned after episode 2 at the very latest. It adds nothing to an established viewer, especially if you know the celeb is going to die...only serving to waste time. Will we ever see an interview? I doubt it, but why waste a section in every episode ramming home a point? None of the deaths have even raised more than a smile, so really I don't see the need. Some may disagree.

Conversation street... meh, it's just "the news" rebranded. I'm not against the idea of having an informational piece (it was always a place that seemed relevant to dump little nuggets of info) but they've blurred the line by discussing random car "news" in the episodes, so much so that it feels like they're shoehorning news for the sake of it.

Scripting... honestly can't see how this is any different to TG. The silly nonsense is there, the "I can see it a mile coming" gags and the obvious play acting is still there. The genuine laughs and banter is there (albeit limited)... everything is the same as TG was. I firmly believe that people forget how much TG suffered from this toward the end.

Special... Easily a 1 part episode which suffered from being stretched over 2 episodes. I was disappointed that the first episode of the Namibia special was basically "lolz we went in a big circle on the beach", when the second episode showed more potential. The ending was also cut short IMO as they'd spent the better part of the 3rd act building up to the beach and essentially chopped it off with no conclusion. There was also what appeared to be an end montage shoved in 10 minutes before the beach segment which felt a bit out of place :confused:

It has potential to be better, but what they've tried to do is made TG with a bigger budget and suffered from the fact that no one has the ability to reign them in making it a parody of itself a lot of the time. Definitely going to watch Season 2, but I think they need to take on-board some community criticism and build on it.

That said, there have been some laugh out loud moments and its a show that I love watching but it could be so much better! Hammond being danced around by the tribes women was cringe inducingly funny :D

Compare the banter in this with the banter in the Grand Tour and the difference is night and day. It actually feels genuine.

Totally agree.

Watched the second episode of the special last night and it was good, but they need more real banter. I'm hoping next season they relax a bit more, script a bit less and have more genuine laughter.
People are posting as if the special signified the end of the series, it's 12 episodes long (if you count the two parter as 1), still over a month to go in Series 1 yet!
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