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The GTX Titan X owners thread.

7 Aug 2012
got rid of MSI AB, redownloaded Precision X and the fan is still not speeding up

regardless of the profile, it only speeds up in the software if you select Auto........ but it still remembers my OC settings from yesterday !!!

Are you actually clicking apply to when you attempt to manually alter the fan speed?
25 Jun 2009
Are you actually clicking apply to when you attempt to manually alter the fan speed?

yes, i'm trying to save my work in profile 1

but there's no save in Precision, it only works if you go back and adjust the clocks, it will not work like yesterday and yesterday i deleted all of the 970 stuff and all of the oc stuff today, the fans are not adjusting their speed in benchmark..... only in the OC software with the Auto change the fan speed, but it's remaining at that when i exit

i have never had this in any other card
25 Jun 2009
Format C:

Complete Windows reinstall

350.05 drivers

Only one OC program - PrecisionX


It is good practice to reinstall windows on a regular basis (6 or 12 months) to avoid some of the problems you are getting.:)

no, far too much work to reinstall windows
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
yes, i'm trying to save my work in profile 1

but there's no save in Precision, it only works if you go back and adjust the clocks, it will not work like yesterday and yesterday i deleted all of the 970 stuff and all of the oc stuff today, the fans are not adjusting their speed in benchmark..... only in the OC software with the Auto change the fan speed, but it's remaining at that when i exit

i have never had this in any other card

Have a good read on how to use PrecisionX

All you have to do is right click over the profile number to save it.

You need to do more reading about how to use stuff.

You also need to clean up your PC with a Windows reinstall as by the sound of it your computer needs it.:)
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
You shouldn't have to reinstall windows just for a new GPU. Might be good practice but it's a bit overkill aint it

Mal's problem is he has had all manner of programs on his PC and I am sure he has not uninstalled/cleaned them off properly. A Windows reinstall is a quick effective way of solving this.

In one of his previous posts he said he can not save a profile in PrecisionX - enough said.:)
19 Jul 2011
Carrying on having problems then, if you know what you are doing a reinstall does not take long.:)

Probably about 45 mins, compared to the time you've spent fannying about with fan profiles it will be a breeze :D

Put it this way , a few months ago i was messing about with afterburner and my 290x lightning , managed to get it stuck at 100% fan on windows boot, every time windows booted 100% fan , i uninstalled ab, and the drivers , but as soon as the drivers were re installed it would revert to 100% fan.

I thought i had borked the card. Re-installed windows and problem solved.
17 Jun 2012
TBH I find Precision X a complete cluster ** Swear words must be fully starred ** to try and use, it's way more complicated than it needs to be.

Setting a fan profile and OC profile in AB is childsplay, something is either very wrong or you are indeed Frank Spencer.
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3 Jun 2014
Maybe it was Shadow play? Just tried with shadow play off and was getting min 60fps and up to 100fps and 93%+ GPU usage.

Still throttled though.

Yeah that sounds more like it. I think shadowplay can really hammer fps to quite a degree on some of it's settings.

In afterburner i have max temp of 87 degrees and use the default auto fan profile which lets the cards reach this temp and with my core OC of +230 i hover at 1407 boost on gaming which i'm happy with. Really nice to have 4k 60fps needing just sli as any more gpu's just don't scale well in lot's of games plus more added heat.

Hopefully you will get your corruption issues sorted. Do you still get this if they are both at stock and with the fans ramped up? Really annoying when new stuff has issues.
3 Jun 2014
deleted everything, it's still not working........... i only have MSI AB, the fan is not running properly, it's staying at a fixed speed

the custom fan profile is not making any difference, i wonder if the card is not supposed to be in the next slot down

it's going straight up to 85 degrees without the fan increasing speed, it was working yesterday

I was having some issues with the fans and core clocks. One time the cores on both cards stayed at 1001 and the fans did not speed up and then the second card would not go above 500 core etc etc. Somethings at times can be a bit strange. Your not the only one with a few issues unfortunately. I have only ever used afterburner and i have re-installed it and sometimes had issues still. I had to disable and re enable sli to get the cores to boost properly plus i set the max temp higher which for now has got things working properly. No clue why my X fans were idling while gaming. PC only has had titan blacks in it before always using afterburner. Perhaps the programs have a few bugs when used with X's as they are still new. Future editions may iron out a few issues i have no idea. Really annoying when you just want to get on and play some games on your new kit. Hope you come up with an answer but as kapp said sometimes there is just something somewhere causing a conflict and a fresh install of windows is the only way to get stuff cleaned up i guess.
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