The High-Res Screenshot Thread!

This really really hurt, im going to catch that damn red sniper. :D :O

Opps, Dont know why the a bit of the pic has been cut off. :(
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I think it looks ok, the textures show the games age.

The character models are still surprisingly good looking, gameplay wise theres nothing like it :)

Agreed, i still play it from time to time myself and have a lot of fun despite the graphics. To be honest i dont notice the graphics are bad because the gameplay is so good. ;)

+1 :)
Few screenshots of a tf2 map I just found, thought it looked really nice compared to some others. The water looks really good as it constantly ripples so the reflections are always changing/moving



Few screenshots of a tf2 map I just found, thought it looked really nice compared to some others. The water looks really good as it constantly ripples so the reflections are always changing/moving






As per request, many have asked how to improve the looks & gfx of FSX, the main addon responsible would be REX, real environment X. Apart from the vast amount of different textures (cloud sets, water masks, airport textures etc) it also has some fantastic textures for sky sets (day, sunsets & sunrises). It is simply a must among FSX addons.

Here are a few examples of sunsets/rises from REX, plus, as per request, all these shots are planeless.






















(There should only be one tower but for some reason my fsx is showing 2)


Thank you for viewing.
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Soya thank you for those shots.
So all those buildings etc are rendered using REX?
Also whatabout all the plane textures for the major airlines which you posted on previous pages?
And finally, how do you get that feature where you follow the 4 x 4 taxi-ing car?
Does it actually wait for you on a taxi way? That is superbly impressive if so!
Soya thank you for those shots.
So all those buildings etc are rendered using REX?
Also whatabout all the plane textures for the major airlines which you posted on previous pages?
And finally, how do you get that feature where you follow the 4 x 4 taxi-ing car?
Does it actually wait for you on a taxi way? That is superbly impressive if so!

My pleasure. No, REX handles cloud, sky, water & airport textures and also weather handling. Most of those structures were from payware like UTX/GEX and Aerosoft (City name) X series, some are however from default FSX.

The plane textures, ie liveries, are either bought as part of the plane package (most payware jets often come with 10+ liveries), or you can often find payware/freeware liveries, some freeware onces are very good, like the Continental B767 livery I posted earlier.

The Follow me Taxi car is a new addon I recently got, it is called Disposition Follow Me from Simmarket. It is a small mod that, once installed, allows you to call for a follow me car, using an assigned hotkey, to lead your plane to the correct runway/gate. Once you get taxi directions from ATC, you press the hotkey and the truck appears at a user definable distance from your plane, you simply follow it and it stays at the defined distance, follows the correct path to runway/gate, then once there, is disappears. It basically replaces the yellow arrow lines you can get when calling ATC ground for taxi directions. I did however make a small change to this mod as the basic follow me truck you get with this program is not graphically very good, see the pics of the DC-10, but with some tweaking, I am now using the follow me truck from Traffic X (simply copied the model files) which, as you can see from the Continental B767 shots, much nicer looking. All in all, it really does add another level of realism to FSX, it is a very nice mod.

Hope that answers all your questions, shout if you need to know more. Cheers
Thanks for the detailed feedback Soya!
Just a few more questions.
The liveries you used in earlier shots, are those freeware/payware? Is there a pack which contains the majority of the liveries or do you source them from several locations and load them all up through FSX?

Also thanks for the info on Disposition Follow Me, certainly a neat little feature :) Couldnt find the shot of the DC10, could you post a shot of the original follow me car and the one you susbsituted it with?

Finally, do you use TrackIR perchance? If so, would you recommend it?
Thanks for the detailed feedback Soya!
Just a few more questions.
The liveries you used in earlier shots, are those freeware/payware? Is there a pack which contains the majority of the liveries or do you source them from several locations and load them all up through FSX?

Also thanks for the info on Disposition Follow Me, certainly a neat little feature :) Couldnt find the shot of the DC10, could you post a shot of the original follow me car and the one you susbsituted it with?

Finally, do you use TrackIR perchance? If so, would you recommend it?

No problem.
You will have to tell me which shots as I have posted a few times over the past month or so. Check here: Setup/FSX/FSX Resized/ it will have all my online shared fsx shots, you can run slideshows in all the sub directories if you want to view any of the shots. Liveries tend to mostly come from the 3rd party companies who make a specific plane so they usually come as part of the plane package. More liveries can either be gotten from forums on those 3rd party sites (user made liveries) or from the FS community share sites like AVSIM & Flightsim, plus many more, just google if you need to find a certain livery for a certain plane.

As for the follow me car, here it is in with it original gfx truck:

And here it is once I substituted it for another (can use anything here, plenty models out there, inc freeware) this Follow Me truck is from Traffic X:

And finally, TrackIR, would I recommend it. Bloody right I would, easily the best piece of hardware for FSX. Either get TrackIR4, what I use, or 5 which is expensive as it has more accurate tracking, get it with the Track Pro Headclip, as the head clip give much better tracking.
Pros: Simply the easiest way to look around in FSX. The tracker attached to your headphones, the scanner sits on top of your monitor, then once you installed and configured the software and run FSX, whichever way your head turns, your viewpoint in FSX changes, you got 6 Axis of movement, in other words, all directions. Great for both VC (cockpit) or view flying, once you configure it for your specific needs and head movement, it truly adds a new & fun dimension to FSX. For more check
Cons: Only of use if you wear headphones as the Tracker needs to attach to any headphones, so if you use speakers and never a headphone, thats a problem. Only worth it if 1) Your PC can handle FSX smoothly, especially when your turn during flying, as the TrackIR makes your viewpoint move anytime you move your head, it would be pointless if your PC stutters every time you make your head turn (this of course is down to how you configure FSX, ie less details etc to get smooth flying) 2) if you have tiny monitor, anything less then 17'' is not worth using TrackIR on IMO, the bigger the monitor, the better the results with TrackIR (lots of viewspace). Be aware that it uses infrared sensors on the scanner which is send via the head tracker, so it records the movement of your head, alas infrared is also created by, bright lightbulbs (old types that produce lots of heat), sunshine, candles, open fire, glow heaters etc. So if you have any of those in your room where your PC is, ie the sun shine brightly in your room when you play on your PC, then the TrackIR won't function properly. Although some of this can be avoided if you check their website, there are plenty of tips on how to get the most out of it.

Hope that has helped.
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