The Hunter

Any way to see the shots you've done outside of the game? Wanna see what the biggest deer ive shot is :)

Edit: took me AGES to kill just one yesterday, two fairly quickly today...but above question still stands :p
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From looking at the website & inventory screens look like vehicles of some sort will be available (for price I guess)

Lots of talk of it on the forums, also talk of stats.

Syke, currently there are only out of game scores on the leaderboard, no personal stats. But thats the next update.... if it ever comes ;)
Aw, thought there was a way, better remember to take screeny's from now then :( just got my 4th (3rd today) deer, this one a 230ft shot on a 130kg Male Mule Deer :).

**Now i know, i'll start taking screeny's...should have anyway, to be honest, but hopefully i'll find a few more now then!
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Hmm.. swear i shot one (saw it drop) but can't find the bloody thing!? Last time i wounded one, it showed as an X, so i just went there and finished it off...any ideas? Or did i just miss :/
Hmm.. swear i shot one (saw it drop) but can't find the bloody thing!? Last time i wounded one, it showed as an X, so i just went there and finished it off...any ideas? Or did i just miss :/

If you do hit them they will stop eventually somewhere ahead of where they ran (happened twice for me).

One time I lost him but then found him and the other was easy to follow.

If you can't find him within say a 100m distance from where you think you shot him, I don't rekon you hit him.
If you do hit them they will stop eventually somewhere ahead of where they ran (happened twice for me).

One time I lost him but then found him and the other was easy to follow.

If you can't find him within say a 100m distance from where you think you shot him, I don't rekon you hit him.

Yeah found one injured not far from one, but the others just disappeared, nevermind.

Shot four today, just shot the longest one, 410.5ft in the head...shame it was only a small one!

Heaviest today was 103kg i think.

Hate it when you shoot one and suddenly one starts running away that you didn't see, the shot is hard!

**How do you get the other guns? Signing up for the Warden thing?
Gentlemen, I give to you a big stag just short of 300lbs!!


Found him just lying there ontop of this big hill. Crept around for ages slowly moving and homing in. Decided to start scoping and saw these antlers sticking up from behind a beast that appeared to still be asleep from the night before.

I was a bit scared of him bolting so I shot him in the side first and then finished the job, but not before taking the screenie :)

Got the white deer mission, gobbler one and some others. Not sure if its worth paying a subscription though...
thats an impressive kill right there, you say you shot it in the side...Aim for just behind the shoulder area/front legs, and if your shot is good enough, it will pass both lungs and instant death.
Where abouts do you guys normally head to on the map?

Was gonna buy the membership yesterday, but only had £1 something in my PayPal :(
just joined up with three of my mates tonight 3 month warden pass :D

had 3 turkeys in three hr stint :cool:

biggest 17.8 lbs

best thing was there was 6 turkeys in the same spot :D

will add video and screenshots later.

oh the ful game rocks even better.

full camo gear, the gun seems a lot better , shotgun, scoped pistol.
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