I'm getting to the stage now where I'm not killing everything I see. Leaving the females alone altogether now, I just track/spot/follow them to build up my stats and practice sneaking around with out disturbing them.
And because of this I seem to be doing better at a coming across decent bucks with nice big racks. I think if you keep shooting at everything you see you're going to end up scaring off the better kills.
But saying that if I've been out a while and am getting to the end of a hunt I will always try and bag a least one kill and what ever I see next if the one that will get it.
Had a couple of real annoyances last night though.
Saw the red glow of a track near a bush, started walking over to it and thought 'hang on, that bush has antlers!'. I then noticed that a decent sized buck was laid their sleeping. I froze on the spot wondering whether to take a quick pic or just pull the gun and shoot him and in that spilt second he woke up and legged it.
I lost track of him but soon spotted another decent looking kill about 200ft away, nice and open with a clean line of sight for the shot. I took the shot, hit him and he started running. Legged it after him, tracked a few splashes of blood and then saw the body. Got within a few foot of the body, little red light pops up on the huntermate to confirm the kill and .... bam! my guy falls asleep, hunt over, no confirmed kill
Went straight back in and ran to where I am pretty sure the body was but either I was in the wrong place or it resets when you go back in but I couldn't find it. grrrr.