The Hunter

you best off buying the top package which is about 30 quid. with that you get loads of stuff worth about 20 plus quid free and a years license to do whatever you want hunt whatever.

Trailrunner you get 12 months membership
License to hunt all animals
Access to all reserves
Unlimited basic ammo
7 extra weapons + 17 other items

Weapons included:
12 GA Pump Action Shotgun
.300 Bolt Action Rifle
.270 Bolt Action Rifle
.44 Revolver
.357 Revolver
Compound Bow "Snakebite"
.30-06 Lever Action Rifle
Items included:
3-9x40mm Rifle Scope
Boone & Crockett Jacket
Boone & Crockett Cap
Basic Pants
Basic Jacket
Boone & Crockett Boots
Boone & Crockett Pants
Deer "Grunt" Call
2x20mm Handgun Scope
Boone & Crockett Gloves
Turkey Box Caller
Elk "Bugle" Caller
Tree Stand
Camping Supplies
Wind Indicator
Happy Camper Tent
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its fine as long as you don't run round and read a few guides to start off.

best checking meadow areas for a start.

add me if you want and ill take you on a mp game .

I have just signed up to this...downloading idea if I will have the patience and skill for it....

Well after 2 hours hunting I didn't manage to hunt a thing.....I saw deer sometime run away but even walking crouching I never had a chance to shoot any....just lots of tracking around in circles......

I did shoot a rabbit at point blank but got no said disqualified....
means you shot it with a unethical gun ;).

loggers point if you can hunt only mule deer on free license. start at bottom lodge walk straight up hill onto the meadows and just go right and check all those meadows.
WEEKEND SALE - Save 20% on memberships and membership bundles with the code COTTONTAIL

not bad for those who maybe getting a new license.
mule deer you want over 200 for a trophy deer so that male is a average deer.

make sure you go for vital shots lung/heart. no headshots :p
you can earn free currency for some things by doing simple missions .

with that you can buy a shotgun and a few small things . its called gms. you could do surveys for free ems if you have a spam account and ear ems that way but easiest way is to buy a license and tbh the game is a lot better than the free account.

20 percent off at moment aswell with the code i post few posts back.

then you can hunt anywhere and everything. not just rabbit and mule deer.
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