The Hunter

I cant get this to run for the life of me, every time i launch it, it asks for settings then just hangs. driving me insane.
i think up until you have two of the three your more or less okay to be a bit soon as i get third i neal get a call out then look in full circle radius of where im at.normally if you have a solid circle hes there just hiding.

i generally give it ten minutes max then move on to a new trail.

one thing that happened last night which was awesome was i stalked a deer and was just going to shoot it . i missed it and there was four deer near it as it ran away then one jumped out of a bush behind me and just kept running round me in circles :D there were others total i think there were about ten deer in front of me :eek:

i go there straight away no as soon as i get on. its marked by a square and 8 little squares around it on your map .give it a friend went straight there last night and got one .might work for others.
Going well tonight :D Got two kills - one from 537.1ft away!


Yeah i know. But after all this time it better be worth it.


reading more about the future of this game and it has left me thinking this could really be great.

there on about making a multiplayer side to it so can hunt with friends.
hunt in different seasons which in turn brings all the different weather options.

different animals which did make me laugh, deer, moose,rabbits ,different birds,turkeys, some one mentioned COUGARS !!!! thats not all of em but man could get really sweet.imagine tracking a cougar and it sees you lol.

also vehicles might get introduced soon.a basic trecking some areas by foot.

the game developers also state which is refreshing that they are not rushing anything and make sure everything works properly.

it still amazes me how it looks better than crysis in forests and scenery but is only just over 3oo meg! how?
it does not look better then crysis ^ , but damn it looks really good for 300 mb.

ps: someone killed all deer was tracking one for 1 hour and could not find him ;/
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Still haven't even SEEN anything, i follow untill theres 3 red dots, then i walk picking up the clues untill the radius is pretty small.

What am i doing wrong :(
when you have the 3 tracks it will be near you.just crouch and look with bino or scope around your area.also follow right on the lines of the triangle.
also vehicles might get introduced soon.a basic trecking some areas by foot.

Vehicles would be sweet - I've found an awesome spot to track deer but it takes about 10 minutes to run there everytime :p

~>Dg<~; said:
it still amazes me how it looks better than crysis in forests and scenery but is only just over 3oo meg! how?

I lol'd... a lot :)

Still it does look good for 300 megs...
Vehicles would be sweet - I've found an awesome spot to track deer but it takes about 10 minutes to run there everytime :p

I lol'd... a lot :)

Still it does look good for 300 megs...

But it does look better. The textures and lighting in around the forrests are amazing!
not in wooded area no comparison. the shadows and stuff are miles better but you cant shoot the trees down :p

just bagged this coat rack :p

best thing there was about ten deer with this one! never seen so many at once.
crysis just doesnt look as good in wooded area dont care how many polygons its got or whatever :p

thats on a mid decent card.i know for fact with same settings no where near as detailed.
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