Are you launching it from the website?I cant get this to run for the life of me, every time i launch it, it asks for settings then just hangs. driving me insane.
The download rate varies.
Stop moaning as well, the thing's anything's a bonus.
Yeah i know. But after all this time it better be worth it.
it does not look better then crysis ^ , but damn it looks really good for 300 mb
also vehicles might get introduced soon.a basic trecking some areas by foot.
~>Dg<~; said:it still amazes me how it looks better than crysis in forests and scenery but is only just over 3oo meg! how?
Vehicles would be sweet - I've found an awesome spot to track deer but it takes about 10 minutes to run there everytime
I lol'd... a lot
Still it does look good for 300 megs...
I completely disagree - Crysis definatly looks better.But it does look better. The textures and lighting in around the forrests are amazing!