The Hunter

i just check the leaderboard after every i usually finish with at least 2 mule bucks, and a few whitetails, i like to check if ive got something worth decent points.
Just had my first kill a 224 lb male mule deer.
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Look in your Journal that's where i found the pic, Ever time i try to take a screen shot it's all black. I press Prt Scr button then open windows paint paste and it's a black pic.anyone.
Look in your Journal that's where i found the pic, Ever time i try to take a screen shot it's all black. I press Prt Scr button then open windows paint paste and it's a black pic.anyone.
Ahhh yes I see that :)
And whenever I take a screenshot, I use print screen and paste it into Windows Paint and it works just fine. Not sure why it isn't working for you :(
I don't know how some of you guys get such big deers =/...Mine are usually really small...

And I can't seem to get them in the final stage of tracking very well.
yea its a fairly big area, but with that, we will have either A Horse or a 4 Wheel drive Vehicle of some sort, like a Quad or a Jeep, plus large herds of Elk most likley (when elk are released)
they are going to put a jeep in the game soon.if you look in your inventory i think it is youll see a jeep/transport icon already ;)

theres plans for loads of animals from various game birds like pheasants and grouse

to moose, and other various creatures.someone even mentioned cougars :eek::D

theres discussion about adding a hunting dog with you at moment but its not decided whether it will be added.

i only found out other day like a lol that you can hold your breath when sniping (hold spacebar)
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I have no idea, i was stalking a Doe to start with, then i noticed she wasnt alone, spent 40 odd mins getting into a place where i could see them both clearly, the doe was around 187lb and the buck was at roughly 250lb give or take, and massive antlers. pulled pistol out to try and kill both, but only managed to kill the buck lol, heres a screenshot of the bugger

thats a beast! good work, wish they would implement scoring into the kill confirmation screen because I have killed a good few buck but no idea how they scored
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