Heh can get it to boot at 4ghz, but no way stable fails 2 seconds into prime lol
Is there anyway of getting the FPO without looking at the CPU?
@FireSkull, PinkFloyd
Are you sure you are running small fft's?
If you could m8. The thing is yours and PinkFloyds results show fft length in well in excess of what small fft's usually use therefore some of the stressing will be passed onto the memory lowering cpu temps for a short while thereby not putting it under as much stress. I may be wrong but I think thats how it works.
I know its being picky but to make the database fair and allow folk to compare temps etc we all need to be running the same tests. I'm sure it will pass fine but for clarity if you could run small fft's it would be much appreciated.
Hehe, thought as much. Damn nice clock btw for such a low vcore. Much better than my cpu @ 3.6 (needs 1.45 iirc).