The Intel Quadcore Database

I was m8...I was happy with 680i....Iwas happy with 975x (well not really)...I was happy with 965p.....I was happy with Nf4 etc etc etc;)

Any excuse for an upgrade tbh;)
Well I mean, what about the *The Intel Quadcore Database *, you've taken the system offline?

Bit shoddy TBH, who do I speak to about refunds pls? :D
No worries m8. I cant don anything about updating the table yet as my pc upgrade is still in bits (blame intel for no x48 yet!) but as soon as its back up and running and I have the database file again I'll sort out everyones details.

Well done everyone!!

No worries mate just thankfull that you put my details up without me furfilling the requirments
Dont think this CPU can go any further!


Can't argue with idle temps of 28-28-32-32 ;)
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MIGHT be able to squeeze a few more mhz out of it, under 45 though as I tried 475x9 and it wouldn't boot at any voltage I tried.
4.25ghz maybe!

back to work, I keep stopping work, playing with the PC then going back to it!
Prime I haven't been playing with as at the moment Im mad busy with uni work :(

Next week I'm going to try and sort prime stability out, I think I can get 4ghz stable, highly doubt 4.2ghz though, but you never know!
Think it was 1.65v in windows, maybe 1.64v. Not sure under load as I didn't test it, was just looking for highest bootable clock, pointless really but gave me 20mins off doing work :D
Yeah exactly lol, not exactly 24/7 operating volts !

Ive managed to get 3.8ghz stable with under 1.5v so I might use that for daily running, just gonna try for something 3dmark06 stable sometime next week then I'll go for prime!
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