***The iOS 5 Thread***

I had the problem where the battery just all of a sudden started (wasn't straight after I installed beta 4 it was a few days later) draining at about 1% every 5 minutes pretty sure it was one of the location services that did it.

Right at the bottom of the location services list is one called system services think it was the setting time zone one which did it. Look for any with the purple arrow by them and turn them off.
does bookmark syncing in iCloud work yet btw ?

I can't seem to find a way to get the bookmarks off my mac onto my phone ?

take it that means nobody has got bookmark syncing to work then ?

I can sync via wifi with iTunes and download songs and stuff. But can't seem to sync bookmarks despite it being enabled in my iCloud settings ?

I imagine he meant: "What the heck is safe mode, I've never encountered that before?" ;)

what will come first
ios 5 or ip5 ?

The next generation of iOS and the next generation of iPhone tend to be released at the same time...

Am I imagining it, or was iOS 4 not released a week ahead of the iPhone 4? I'd expect then to do the same for iOS 5.
Beta 5 is destroying my battery on iP4. Never had a battery issue from a beta before, but this one takes the gold winners medal.

Yep, same here. With anything iCloud on it drains ridiculously fast on Beta 5. Beta 4 was fine.
Updated to Beta 5 now :) All working pretty smoothly... Can't see any difference just yet to be honest :p

I was having problems with bluetooth connectivity with my car stereo in Beta 4 - I'll find out tomorrow if that has been fixed... Here's hoping!
Does anyones Location based reminders work on IOS5 Beta 5?

On my iPad2 3G it does not give you the option to even select location, only a date/time reminder.

take it that means nobody has got bookmark syncing to work then ?

I can sync via wifi with iTunes and download songs and stuff. But can't seem to sync bookmarks despite it being enabled in my iCloud settings ?

Works for me. I'm running Mac OSX 7.2b with iCloud Beta 6 on my MacBook Pro and the latest iOS5 on my iPhone...
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