*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

So pound for pound (with all the 3g issues) is it still worth getting an Iphone on contract?
I might be able to give you an objective viewpoint - Ive been yearning to get an iphone3g and even queued up on the day to get one but due to porting issues I couldnt get one.

Reading the info posted by owners over the few weeks, it seems that its been a blessing in disguise for me as Im used to surfing the web and accessing things at HSDPA speeds for at least 2 years and wouldnt accept the issues Ive heard of, especially with something thats meant to be as 'perfect' as the iphone3G and so relatively expensive to own...

I suspect my experience would have been like Spawns as hes had quite a few WM phones like myself...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Thanks. :) I was hoping for objective. I'm lusting after one, but like you say they are hella expensive, and the 02 reception in my area is poo to say the least. Have you bought something else instead of the iphone?
Im currently stuck on a Vario 3 with T-Mobile and as Im in contract I cant number port out which is why I didnt get the iphone3G. My next phone changes by the minute...

Though Ive heard a rumour that O2s contract isnt so exclusive ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:
I can't get my head around all these complaints of slow 3G. When I've got a 3G signal the speed's lightening. I've even taken to using 3G instead of the local cloud hotspot cos it's quicker !
Does anyone know what the O2 returns policy is like on the iphone?

I've had mine less than a week, i love it...but...there is a slight imperfection with the screen, there is a tiny tiny fleck of something on the inside of the screen, it's maybe 3-4 pixels in size, you cant see it that well when it's dark but in the daylight it really is noticable, more so when it's against a dark screen. It looks metalic.
I also have 1 or 2 dead or lazy pixels, they are stuck on white.

I think i'll have a trip back to the metrocentre to see if i can get it changed, what are my rights regarding this? anyone know?

I know for a fact if i dont take it back it will bug me for the rest of the time i have the iPhone.
I might be able to give you an objective viewpoint - Ive been yearning to get an iphone3g and even queued up on the day to get one but due to porting issues I couldnt get one.

Reading the info posted by owners over the few weeks, it seems that its been a blessing in disguise for me as Im used to surfing the web and accessing things at HSDPA speeds for at least 2 years and wouldnt accept the issues Ive heard of, especially with something thats meant to be as 'perfect' as the iphone3G and so relatively expensive to own...

I suspect my experience would have been like Spawns as hes had quite a few WM phones like myself...

ps3ud0 :cool:

I have to agree with you, i wasnt really all that interested in the new iphone myself but after spending most of the summer in Canada where my sis in law bought one on launch day...i was pretty impressed by it.

So when i got back i decided to get one, i got one last fri from CPW and was quite happy walking out of the store. I then went home and set it up and wasnt so happy about it. Dont get me wrong the phone is a joy to use when it works ie the 3G works properly but i live in east london and i get the 3g symbol but the web browsing is just too slow for 3g...its like being on gprs reallly lol...fact is that ive been getting so many timeouts that it makes the iphone unuseable but when it does work...my god what an awesome piece of kit it is. Secondly the battery on it truly sucks for such a powerful device...i mean i have a HTC diamond and the battery on that is as bad as the iphone...i really thought the iphone would have been better battery wise but seems not...yes i know you can switch 3g off but seriously whats the point of that???....its the selling point of the phone...the 3g capability but then lets be honest...its not a true/proper 3g phone when it lacks video calling lol.

So ive decided to return mine tommorrow, im not paying £50/month for a phone that isnt really cracked up to what its supposed to be. My decision is much easier because a friend of mine is selling her 3g iphone to me for £200. I think paying £50/month over 18mths is quite a rip off...theres no way this phone is worth £700...your paying that through the 18mth contract.

Like i said ill be getting my friends iphone soon and will wait for the unlocking to be available...once thats out then ill be looking to sell the HTC Diamond and using the iphone with my tmobile sim.
Know how you feel Spawn with regards to 3G speeds. In and around London is awfully slow at times. I still rarely use Safari because the wait for a webpage to actually appear is just too long. I have a colleague at work who has decided to sell up and wait for the N96 to arrive now.

I'll be sticking with mine, but that doesn't mean I'm too pleased with the whole 3G 'twice as fast' moniker Apple are bashing around.
You'll be waiting a while for the 3G unlock. :( Might as well pick up an O2 Simplicity SIM in the meantime, they're on offer at the moment.
Know how you feel Spawn with regards to 3G speeds. In and around London is awfully slow at times. I still rarely use Safari because the wait for a webpage to actually appear is just too long. I have a colleague at work who has decided to sell up and wait for the N96 to arrive now.

I'll be sticking with mine, but that doesn't mean I'm too pleased with the whole 3G 'twice as fast' moniker Apple are bashing around.

Yeh where i work in Canary Wharf, i get the full signal no problems and even the 3G symbol but actually browsing the web is far too slow and the pages keep timing out...even after updating last night to the newest firmware...i tried again and it still wasnt any better...in the end i just got fed up and returned it. Plus being on the £45 a month tariff over 18mths...i mean the phone ends up costing over £800:eek:...no way i would pay that much for the iphone...£300 max is about right. But invariably you dont get hit too hard as its reflected in your monthly payment...plus lets be honest for £45 a month they give u 1200 mins and 500 texts....which is sod all...i can get through that within a week:p. Whereas Tmobile for £50 a month give £250 credit to use on texts or calls....and i never go over my allowance. Yes i know you can add bolt ons but at £7.50 a pop they are pretty expensive. The only redeeming thing about o2 and their tariffs is that they give u unlimited web browsing within the iphone tariffs....otherwise i dont think the phone is worth it tbqh.

I guess ill just hang on till the PAYG tariffs come out and if it seems like its a reasonable price then i might pick one up...that way im not stuck in a 18mth contract...ive already got a tmobile contract which is 18 mths....plus im hoping by that time, their will be some sort of unlocking procedure so i could always just put my tmobile sim in and see how it fares on their 3g network.
Does anyone know what the O2 returns policy is like on the iphone?

I've had mine less than a week, i love it...but...there is a slight imperfection with the screen, there is a tiny tiny fleck of something on the inside of the screen, it's maybe 3-4 pixels in size, you cant see it that well when it's dark but in the daylight it really is noticable, more so when it's against a dark screen. It looks metalic.
I also have 1 or 2 dead or lazy pixels, they are stuck on white.

I think i'll have a trip back to the metrocentre to see if i can get it changed, what are my rights regarding this? anyone know?

I know for a fact if i dont take it back it will bug me for the rest of the time i have the iPhone.

You'll have no problem returning it- I've heard that lots of people have got them exchanged due to dead pixels. The fact that you have a bubble on your screen (also a known issue) would mean they'd have no leg to stand on. Take it back.
Though Ive heard a rumour that O2s contract isnt so exclusive ;)

Yep, that rumour has been doing the rounds for a while, first it was going to be Orange, and then it was going to be T-Mobile.

O2 have exclusivity until 2011 but there is a break clause in the agreement at the end of 2009. At this point there is a window where eaither party can choose to end the deal.

So, until the end of 2009, the end of current 18 month contracts, I don't think you are going to see it on anyone but O2.
Right heres my current annoyance with my iPhone 3G, taken from my actual phone:


Browsing the web via Safari is usually a joy for the first 10 minutes or so continual use. I get no errors, no timeouts and speeds are near enough as quick as my 20mb cable connection whilst browsing on my MacBook.

However, after prolonged use of Safari, I start getting the above error almost every time I click on a link or try to change website. If I click on the link enough it will eventually load though. Not only that, as you can see from the screenshot above of Facebook, you can see Safari will change the font and the layout so it looks like the above. Images also won load. Turning the phone off and rebooting seems to cure it.

I was hoping 2.0.1 and more recently 2.0.2 would fix this but its still there more than ever.

Regarding the 3G issue, I seem to have no problem with that. I get 3G coverage almost anywhere I go and I do not seem to get any dropped calls or the like.

Anyone have the same problem or even better, a solution?

Did that sort out your problem?

No unfortunately not. I did a hard reset as described by EVH then a full restore and set up a new phone profile. After prolonged use, exactly the same happened as in my first post.

This doesn't seem to be a common problem, im now starting to think this is a fault with my iPhone 3G.
Any other ideas?
Frank: I get the same problem with mine. Usually just closing safari and opening something else that uses the internet (Youtube) seems to kick start the connection. Open safari again and it's fine.
Frank: I get the same problem with mine. Usually just closing safari and opening something else that uses the internet (Youtube) seems to kick start the connection. Open safari again and it's fine.

I quick reboot does the trick also. Its a real pain in the butt though. After doing some more research, I have found out its a 3G problem. WiFi and Safari is fine, no problems at all for whatever amount of time.

I dont think its an iPhone problem, more of a problem with the o2 network. More people than I thought have the problem also so im pleased I dont have a faulty iPhone.
[DOD]Asprilla;12341843 said:
Yep, that rumour has been doing the rounds for a while, first it was going to be Orange, and then it was going to be T-Mobile.

O2 have exclusivity until 2011 but there is a break clause in the agreement at the end of 2009. At this point there is a window where eaither party can choose to end the deal.

So, until the end of 2009, the end of current 18 month contracts, I don't think you are going to see it on anyone but O2.
I heard that the original contract only pertained to the original iPhone and never explicitly included new models like the iPhone3G and therefore it not exclusively an O2 product in the UK.

But hey thats rumours for you...

I quick reboot does the trick also. Its a real pain in the butt though. After doing some more research, I have found out its a 3G problem. WiFi and Safari is fine, no problems at all for whatever amount of time.

I dont think its an iPhone problem, more of a problem with the o2 network. More people than I thought have the problem also so im pleased I dont have a faulty iPhone.
Or more the application of 3G on the iPhone3G? Ive not heard of the issue on other 3G phones that O2 carry other than O2 doesnt have the most comprehensive coverage of 3G...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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@ Frank Butcher:

If it's any use I looked up the error constants for kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error domain and it says:

kCFErrorHTTPConnectionLost = 302,

I'm currently developing apps for the iPhone, luckily these error messages are part of the Mac OS X 10.5 SDK and not the iPhone one; I'm under a full non-disclosure agreement for the iPhone SDK.
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