*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

Not sure on the above, sorry iam quite new to itunes aswell.

Subscribed to apple apps iPhone podcast, and photography podcast synced them, but when I try a message comes up saying file not copied because it cant be played on the iPhone. :S
Since 2.0.1 I always get full signal bars and the 3G logo thing. Browsing the net is still slow though :/
Not sure on the above, sorry iam quite new to itunes aswell.

Subscribed to apple apps iPhone podcast, and photography podcast synced them, but when I try a message comes up saying file not copied because it cant be played on the iPhone. :S

The apps podcast any good? What's it called?
Or if it's not fixable they'll pretend there's nothing wrong and ship out the revision without saying anything.

Glad I missed the boat on this one (through choice). I've really wanted one but between poor 3g, battery time and features that are still missing (copy and paste being one) my temptation hasn't grown any.

ps3ud0 :cool:
Does anyone else find that switching between 3G and EDGE while talking kills the connection completely? I've had it happen a few times - walk from my house, where I get EDGE, out on to the street and the call cuts out as it tries to switche to 3G. The phone says 'No service' and won't reconnect to O2 until I reboot it.
Its a known problem with Apple recently stating that it was an operator issue and most operators stating that it doesn't happen on other handsets. Its linked in to that infineon chipset issue and the fix apple 'might' be working on.
I'm finding the 3g performance on the iPhone pretty dire as well...i've updated to the latest firmware as well...currently in canary wharf and I got the 3g symbol but so damn slow compared to my htc touch diamond which has my tmobile sim in it...been trying for the past 10 mind to type out a reply and kept getting a message saying that safari couldn't open the page as server was not responding etc....bit disappointed to be honest....might end up taking it back and cancelling altho I do like the iPhone quite a bit.
I seem to get the 3G signal quite easily, at work in Canary Wharf and at home...ilford east london but dear god its bloody slow:eek:. Its like being on GPRS at the best of times...i know ive read somewhere that its the 3g chip but then ive also heard that its o2 and their shoddy network. Problem is until they come out with the unlock, i wont really know until i put my tmobile 3g sim in and then see if the performance is any better. But that could be months away and id rather find out now than later in case i decide to return the iphone back.

Which brings me onto my dilemma...despite its shoddy 3g performance i love the phone...the battery could be better but then ive been using the HTC diamond for the past 2 months and the battery on that is just as bad so thats something i can overlook tbh as i charge my phone every nite. But having to live with the shoody 3g performance is something that im not too happy about....so dunno what im going to do tbh. I know i have 14 days in whcih to return it...which i am thinking about as i could possibly wait a few months and then buy one unlocked off ebay for probably a lower price ie im in a 18mth contract at £45 per month tariff which works out to about £630 all together...so kinda expensive when im pretty sure you can pick up unlocked units in a few months for £400 etc.

Hmmm think im gonna wait a few days and then decide...problem is that now ive fallen in love with it...its going to be super hard to give it back. Compared to the Diamond, the iphone is an absolute joy...the Diamond is a good phone but its got too many niggles for my liking. I suppose i could sell the Diamond to help alleviate the cost of the iphone but then that renders my tmobile sim useless till i decide to upgrade....
Tbh Spawn, knowing the phones youve been through Id suggest you returning the iphone3g and picking up the old unlocked iphone for now until the unlocked iphone3G turns up (or the T-Mobile version turns up ;))...

I wouldnt be happy to spend that much on a phone that I like that just doesnt work or being tied to a contract for the sake of it...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Tbh Spawn, knowing the phones youve been through Id suggest you returning the iphone3g and picking up the old unlocked iphone for now until the unlocked iphone3G turns up (or the T-Mobile version turns up ;))...

I wouldnt be happy to spend that much on a phone that I like that just doesnt work or being tied to a contract for the sake of it...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Hmmm that's exactly what I'm thinking of doing now...3g is just too slow on the phone for what I use it for....not really happy with it tbqh altho the phone itself is a joy to use.
What I done is knock my tmobile tariff down to the lowest tariff from the £50 I was paying to afford the £45 tariff I'm on with the iPhone but not really happy doing that...oh well got a few more days to make up my mind before I take it back to CPW.
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