*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

I must be one of the few then not having problems mentioned above *touch wood* with text lag or contacts problems etc, though these were present before my last update to this 2.0.2 (5C1). Very strange how so many iPhones are still being plagued with these issues and again so many are not. Apple should pull their finger out.
Ive had some rite bloody problems, the phones only 4 days old!

Apps stopped working,
Safari stopped working,
Safari stops loading pages sometimes,
Sound went off earlier,
SMS was slightly unresponsive earlier,

I think there was somethign else but i cant remember.

Rite ball ache.

o2 today said its all covered under my warranty so my insurance wont play a part in it..
Just thought I'd stick in my 2 pence regarding iPhone 3G battery life ... and for once it's a happy story!

Took my brand spanking new phone away to a festival at the weekend (was slightly wondering about the wisdom of mixing drink, mud and expensive technology but hey). I had it charging up until friday lunchtime when I left and by the time I got home at about 11pm on monday the battery was still not into the red. So by my reckoning that's 3.5 days plus of battery life.

To be fair I had 3G off for most of the time and was not checking mail/using internet but even so it was used for lots of photos, calling lost friends, a bit of 3g Google map - GPS action when we got lost on the way there, playing music in the car, plus a few other bits and bobs. So there you go!
I dont think its a really fair (realistic) indication of battery life if you are forced to switch off 3G on the iPhone3G. Im amazed so many people are happy to switch off the main feature to appease battery life when they really should be questioning Apple...

Im not having a go - just annoyed that consumers are put in a position where they have to defend poor technology implementation...

ps3ud0 :cool:
If your not using 3G functions why use it though.

That would be like leaving a torch on in the light and then complaining its flat when you need it in the dark
To be honest I've got no compaints about battery life, it gets plugged in while I sync each day at work, then it lasts all weekend without a charge. I don't use it for calls much, but it gets used for a lot of music, browsing, weather checks etc.

At least Apple have made the battery meter tell the truth- when the meter is a quarter full, you get a quarter of the battery life, unlike my previous phone- a viewty- which dropped from 4 bars of battery to three bars when there was about 15 minutes of usage remaining! My girlfriend has the viewty now and because the meter lies, she thinks the battery lasts for ages, so a lot of it is down to perception. I've never come close to actually having my iPhone run out and switch off.
Im not having a go - just annoyed that consumers are put in a position where they have to defend poor technology implementation...

It's the same with all manufacturers though; I've always turned 3g on all my phones off when I'm not using it in order to preserve battery life.

I don't see 3g as being any different to wi-fi or gps, I turn it off when I'm not using it.
Would be bloomin nice to have an app to toggle 3G on and off though. Just like that Wifi On/Off app on installer.app, which does exactly that at a press. I hate delving through menus just to switch a function off.
There isn't really any mobile phone type device on the market with batteries capable of properly supporting 3G/GPS. Infact on many 3G battery life tests the iPhone comes out on top, or at least very high up.

Do wish there was a quicker way to toggle it on and off though, same with Location services and Wifi. Without jailbreaking!
The ironic thing of course is that someone who buys it without even bothering to check whether it meets their needs (i.e. purely on aesthetics) is probably more guilty of fanboyism than someone who defends its notable flaws unconditionally.

FWIW My iPhone (non-3G) battery lasts about half as long as my N95 8GB (with 3G on) did. Unless Apple have made massive strides in battery efficiency between v1 and v2 I can see why people would be moaning a bit.
I think it depends on your luck.

I've had a few through quality issues and my current one has a stellar battery life (get about 3 days real world usage from a full charge).

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