*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

Expensive bit of kit this, although very nice. nPlayed with them plenty but fail to see what all this ihype is about.

Got my HTC touch diamond FREE on a £20pm 18month O2 contract. Much much cheaper than an iphone and when tweaked and filled with applications it will outdo the iphone in most areas.
Anyone know what sort of avaliability there will be for this? Is Apple making sure there is plenty of supply for the inevitable demand?

I can't be bothered with having to drive everywhere to find one :(


It will be similar to the contract release, but a bit better I would imagine.

I don't know if they will be using the iPhones that are already there for contracts, just with a different SIM.
I don't know if they will be using the iPhones that are already there for contracts, just with a different SIM.
It sounds that way. The O2 website says something about the 3G functionality on PAYG ones not working until after you go in and change a setting.
I'll join you there :p

I'll bring the hot chocolate for the 4am start.

Its really not worth £350 :( Please don't do it :(

You'll not be happy to know I'm eyeing the 16gb version which weighs in at an even heavier price tag.

I've thought long and hard about potential phones, even looking at the likes of the Nokia N96 and upcoming Sony Ericsson X1. Every single time I keep turning back to the iPhone.

I don't think it's the ultimate phone that everyone makes it out to be but it has more good than bad. And I'm hoping the bad is eliminated more and more with software releases.

The ease of iTunes syncing and the browser alone are reasons to opt for it over any other phone. I had a 16gb Touch a few months ago (now sold) and loved it but found it a bit boring - the App store was what was needed for me back then. Even mobile browsing would have sufficed.

It's a considerable outlay for a phone and especially to someone who swore never to spend over £100 on a phone a few years ago. But I'm justifying it to myself as a phone + iPod purchase. :D Nothing like a bit of mind games with yourself.
That does make me sad.

It is full of bugs, Apple has third-party apps by the balls (they're even denying them based on how "useful" they are now), and most useful mobile applications cannot be used as you can't run anything in the background. If you're relying on the AppStore to make the phone more useful and 'unboring', don't - it is full of crap, and you need to pay for anything that is in the slightest "not very crap".

It is also a rubbish iPod.

Gosh I am so sour about owning this thing, and being tied into it for months to come.
Personally I thought the iPod Touch was an excellent device. It just lacked something else about it.

I'm not relying on the AppStore solely but I'm sure it'll have something of interest. To be honest, the mobile Internet/E-Mail will be of much more use to me.

It's a shame you've had such a bad experience with it. Entering a contract on most things but specifically phones is something that never appealed to me - so I'm hoping it was worth the wait.
JimpsEd is right to an extent about the appstore.
Putting the appstore vs Jailbroken apps (pre firmware 2.0) and the latter would win by a mile since there were quality stuff on installer.app because they had no pathetic Apple SDK guidelines to adhere to. It seems some of the guidelines exist so that Apple can release stuff themselves. I'm sure we'll see apple apps that allow themes to be purchased, video and mms facilities too in future.

Right now the appstore has a small selection of decent apps but good utilities and productivity apps are really lacking and that is a bit of a downer. I'm sticking with both my Touch and iPhone because the OS is the most promising out of the lot in the mobile phone market and since Apple are focusing on a single OS and Phone they can fine tune it a lot.

I just wish the sods would fix issues a lot quicker then they do. I had an email yesterday from O2 reminding me of my allowance that the £45 tariff gives me because I haven't used any texts this month lol. I would if texting wasn't so painful!

The iPhone has been a huge 'life changer' for me. I badly required email/internet on the move, in a slim device. Prior to getting one I was using a jailbroken Touch and a wifi app that let me hook into the numerous unsecured wifi spots around town. I was always hooked up to the net, and used my crummy w880i for calls. Now I have a 3G I 'should' have all of that in one device except 3G isn't as good as it should be. Phone calls have been perfectly fine.
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I just wish the sods would fix issues a lot quicker then they do. I had an email yesterday from O2 reminding me of my allowance that the £45 tariff gives me because I haven't used any texts this month lol. I would if texting wasn't so painful!

Texting isn't that bad mate. I just wish I could text in landscape mode though!
Texting isn't that bad mate. I just wish I could text in landscape mode though!

Its bloody awful. It makes me want to throw it at a wall. Have you tried to post on a forum? Text input is near enough impossible in Safari. The thing is in beta and we need 2.1.0 asap.
Because I've become so annoyed at the text lag bug, I've gone back to using my N95 for the time being because I'll know I will end up throwing the iPhone at the floor or something in anger!
Its bloody awful. It makes me want to throw it at a wall. Have you tried to post on a forum? Text input is near enough impossible in Safari. The thing is in beta and we need 2.1.0 asap.

I get the occasional jumping bug (not the same as text lag), but it doesn't always happen. Text lag happens, but you get used to it.
Text lag and the crappy dictionary bloody annoy me to hell!! Even now it's causing me issues..

I get quite annoyed with the. Bloody thing!

Roll on a decent update.
Texting isn't that bad mate. I just wish I could text in landscape mode though!
It is for me tbh. Yes some people have a better patience threshold then others but I'm a patient person and it just drives me up the wall lol. I'd go back to my w880i but one of the reasons why I hate that thing is because of the tiny buttons, which made texting hard lol

Agree about landscape mode!
Any time I get the texting lag, I simply press the home button, then go back to SMS and it's fine again. A bit of a pain I know, but at least it's workable.
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