*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

There out of 16gb phones allready all there allocation has been alocated only 8gb ones left

what a bag of hammers !

il be queuing outside my o2 store on friday i spose.
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I've completed the form twice now and keep getting this error:

There has been a problem with taking your order. We apologise for the inconvenience. Please try again.

What a joke!
Oh well, looks like I'm taking a trip to the shop. I really didn't see myself having this many problems trying to get one.
i've gotten that error three times now, and another time the page just cleared (after a long delay) and so I've no idea what that did... *hmph*
Ugh, a VERY frustrating day. Selling old iphone, had a scammer buy it. Means i have to wait a few days to get all that sorted and even listed again. By this time the price will have dropped, and I'll be shafted.

To top it all off, There's no 16gb 3G iPhones left because the stupid store won't respond and is an utter shambles.
Silly question maybe but what is the likely hood of it being quite hard to get a 16gb on Friday directly from the store. I will be going to my local store which is Darlington and just wondered if you lot reckon I will actually have to go early and queue or should be able to get one without a problem.

Sorry for being a pain and TIA.

Ben :)
Ugh, a VERY frustrating day. Selling old iphone, had a scammer buy it. Means i have to wait a few days to get all that sorted and even listed again. By this time the price will have dropped, and I'll be shafted.

To top it all off, There's no 16gb 3G iPhones left because the stupid store won't respond and is an utter shambles.

There are 16gb 3G iPhones left, wait a little while.
CBA doing it online as it seems to be a lottery - gonna go in store on Friday and get it - its unlikely they will run out...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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