*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

Hmmmm, put my original iPhone on the bay... Buy it now £160, but some chick from Germany's just come on and bought it within 20 minutes... 0 feedback, sent me a direct email asking me to pay HER the price... I smell a rat!

2 seemingly genuine interested people though. One more so, offering to pay by cheque/postal order.

Hmmm, new to selling on the bay, help appreciated!
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Ordered. anyone get this on the final screen?

Is that standard or are they telling me they think I have a diff credit rating?

I got it, but i think (i hope) it is because i only moved into my house in Nov.
have any existing o2 customers (with contracts that have expired) managed to get through to the upgrade site, i'm only getting a "down for maintenance" page!

Did anyone notice an option to pick which colour iPhone you want ?

I got into the process, but didn't want to start clicking through it when I only got the option for 8 or 16GB.

It says on the page to buy new ones that they are only available in black
It's probably for new customers who have never used 02 before I think. Basic credit check like always. I've been with Orange for 6 years and never missed a bill so shouldn't have any problems.
You would have thought that O2 would be more prepared for the volume of traffic the upgrade website was going to get....it's pretty poor planning if you ask me!
That's a brilliant starting tarriff:

£30 a month
75 mins 125 texts

Perfect for the person who wants to run around with their mates, iPhone in hand all day :p.
Pretty useless for anything else except a couple of RAC calls each month :).
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Can they do the upgrade in-store? I just called my local store and was told they're not taking pre-orders??

It's probably for new customers who have never used 02 before I think. Basic credit check like always. I've been with Orange for 6 years and never missed a bill so shouldn't have any problems.

I was with O2 previously, before moving to Vodafone for the last 18 months, so I'm not sure it's that.

I've actually just had a call from the fraud department of my Credit Card company advising me there was unusual activity on my card this morning. I had to put my order through 4 times, as it failed after the SecurityCode part the first 3 times. I was using FireFox, so assumed something went wrong with that, moved to IE7 and it went through ok.

So now, I'm not sure if my order will be processed ok, and I may end up getting billed 4 times! Oh joy.
It's probably for new customers who have never used 02 before I think. Basic credit check like always. I've been with Orange for 6 years and never missed a bill so shouldn't have any problems.

I was a previous O2 customer too.
I was with O2 previously, before moving to Vodafone for the last 18 months, so I'm not sure it's that.

I've actually just had a call from the fraud department of my Credit Card company advising me there was unusual activity on my card this morning. I had to put my order through 4 times, as it failed after the SecurityCode part the first 3 times. I was using FireFox, so assumed something went wrong with that, moved to IE7 and it went through ok.

So now, I'm not sure if my order will be processed ok, and I may end up getting billed 4 times! Oh joy.

Mine was the opposit,e IE7 gave me a unable to process... although i never got to the securecode part of that, done it after I submitted the order. I used FF and it worked fine.

I've not heard anything back yet though.
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