The last game you completed, and rating (Console Edition)

EDIT - skimming through TLOU2 thread and seems its a no brainer. Is there an enhanced version available? All I can see on ebay is standard PS4 version.
Totally 100000% worth playing.

Currently, the PS4 version has a patch to make it 60fps on the PS5. There’s no remaster or anything like that. So go for it :)
It’s also very cheap these days, I believe. Usually around £8.

Ah here we go, can get it on PSN for £8.74.

Fantastic value :)
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Jedi Survivor 9/10

Shame about performance and I’ll no doubt have another play through when it’s patched, but the gameplay, environments and story are spot on. One of the best Star Wars games I’ve played. Reminded me of a modern Jedi Knight series game with some elements on KOTOR.
Batman Arkham asylum. 7/10
i played it through to the end which is rare for me with games.
The Last of Us Part 2 - Solid 7.5-8/10

I would have scored it higher but.....

The game was e too long and I think we had too much Abby. The game did a really good job of warming me to her but I'm not sure we needed much outside of her as a child/what happened to the fireflies and meeting Yara/Lev.

But overall, brilliant story and I liked the ending. I'm glad Ellie didn't kill her.
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Just finished U4 and Lost Legacy.

Predictable and one-note gameplay as per usual with the series but the chemistry and banter between characters, beautiful vistas, setpieces and the cinematics is what keeps it going and makes it better than the sum of its parts IMO.

I guess this is what separates these games from the new TR trilogy as those are compared very often. TR has supposedly deeper gameplay but the bits that Uncharted does, it just does better. Climbing/moving about is more fluid and better animated, as are the shootouts and the movement in combat. The setpieces are more impactful and the cutscenes way better done. The characters' facial animations are also a couple of notches above.

And the biggest difference... the stories are always very simple but the writing and character interaction are so head and shoulders above how flat Lara is in the new trilogy that it just hurts. Not to mention Jonah, gosh.

The gameplay itself should've been more puzzle-heavy, with more exploration and less big shootouts that I was getting tired of later on.

It's a sort of an interactive movie, kick back and relax type of affair and I enjoyed it for that. Really impressive visuals, especially in Lost Legacy and it just feels good to play when it comes to overall polish.

7/10 for U4 as it plods a little and is too long to sustain this sort of gameplay.

7.5/10 for Lost Legacy, better paced because it's much shorter, better visuals, especially later on and Chloe, Nadine and Sam work a bit better together than the cast of U4. I actually think Drake is one of the worse chars in the franchise:P
Bloodborne 6/10. No idea what the story was about and it just ended out of the blue without any notice. Nowhere near as good as Demon Souls Remake or Elden Ring.
Bloodborne 6/10. No idea what the story was about and it just ended out of the blue without any notice. Nowhere near as good as Demon Souls Remake or Elden Ring.

IMO better than both. Better atmosphere, the most intetesting lore, tighter level design and combat and the best bosses. If you haven't played Old Hunters, you're missing out.

As for the ending, I probably get what happened but won't spoil, there are a few endings. The lore is crazy but worth researching.

Well, Elden Ring being worse is debatable because it's crazy good in most aspects except a few shortcomings but Demon's Souls is super outdated apart from the visuals and feels really sluggish compared to other From games, the level design, bosses and combat are just not on Bloodborne's level.
IMO better than both. Better atmosphere, the most intetesting lore, tighter level design and combat and the best bosses. If you haven't played Old Hunters, you're missing out.

As for the ending, I probably get what happened but won't spoil, there are a few endings. The lore is crazy but worth researching.

Well, Elden Ring being worse is debatable because it's crazy good in most aspects except a few shortcomings but Demon's Souls is super outdated apart from the visuals and feels really sluggish compared to other From games, the level design, bosses and combat are just not on Bloodborne's level.

Will give Old Hunters a try. Going to try Demon Souls 3 next as well.

Interesting, I thought the bosses were very poor, killed virtually all of them first try just standing beside their feet hacking them to bits. No tactics or strategy required at all.

I think it’s the order I’ve played the games in. Elden Ring has set such a high bar now it’s probably not fair to judge much older games against it.
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Bloodborne 6/10. No idea what the story was about and it just ended out of the blue without any notice. Nowhere near as good as Demon Souls Remake or Elden Ring.
Watch a lore video. Story far exceeds both. Bloodborne is incredible, it’s criminal that they have not patched or remastered it to take advantage of better hardware.
Will give Old Hunters a try. Going to try Demon Souls 3 next as well.

Interesting, I thought the bosses were very poor, killed virtually all of them first try just standing beside their feet hacking them to bits. No tactics or strategy required at all.

I think it’s the order I’ve played the games in. Elden Ring has set such a high bar now it’s probably not fair to judge much older games against it.

I'm not necessarily talking about the difficulty, just the design and atmosphere. Still, it's impossible to outdamage even some normal stronger enemies just tanking and hacking at them so not sure how it's done against bosses, you surely must've dodged a few times unless you were terribly overlevelled:P

Elden Ring's bosses are actually its most disappointing aspect but it doesn't matter since the rest is so good. They're just poorly balanced overall, because of summons and if we put it that way Mimic Tear or Tiche can take care of 80% of the fight so you don't even have to hack at them.
BB's are better designed as fights, fully learnable and doable with the most basic builds. Especially Old Hunters bosses are top-notch.

As for looking for lore, it's the trademark of these games and actually connecting stuff by paying attention is more satisfying than "just tell me a story" and then suffering through modern "cinematic" padding and plotholes.

You won't understand the stories from lore videos since they're just theorising but hey, take a game with normal storytelling and what's left to infer or talk about afterwards? What From does inspires hour-long videos on lore and keeps people talking about these titles for years and that's absolutely unique.
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RE4 Remake - 9/10

Well, after 3 playthroughs I can safely say this is the most fun I've had with a game in quite some time.

A remake done right. All the unnecessary fat has been trimmed and the game actually resembles a survival horror now. More challenging, better atmosphere, intelligently done backtracking and exploration.

It's just so incredibly tonally consistent and well paced throughout that it's a joy to play, especially with such tight and well thought-out gameplay mechanics.

I couldn't ask for more really. Worked on release without 15 patches, a lot of replayability, very good graphics and atmosphere and a super solid gameplay loop. The only game I've preordered in years (wanted the steelbook and bonuses:P) and it was 100% worth it.
Quantum Break - 6/10

I really enjoyed this. Got quite into the remedy-verse as of late and thought the story and some of the gameplay mechanics were great. It was let down by the rest of the gameplay mechanics which were really janky. I think the game was really just a little ahead of its time and they hadn't quite figured out how this sort of a game should control. Hard to believe this is an Xbone game at times.
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