The last game you completed, and rating.

Xcom Enemy Within. 8/10. This dlc added a lot to an already good game and made the experience almost like playing a new game. I wish Xcom 2 didnt have time limits as that has put me off buying it, I much prefer to take my time.
Yesterday I finished Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, plus the Depserate Measure and Criminal Past DLCs.

Base game I enjoyed. It in no way at all lived up to the scope of the original, but the gameplay was engaging and the augments system made it feel like I was building my own stealth man robot. It could really have done with a bigger world or more fleshed-out locations, and the plot was quite pedestrian when compared to the original.

Depserate Measures was, imho, a travesty of a DLC. Painfully short and it felt like a side mission that was just cut from the original game. It made no sense to play it after finishing the main campaign, and it barely even felt worth bothering with.

Criminal Past, however, I thought was superb. Really a great example of what a good DLC should be. It was a decent length, introduced a fun new area to play around in, it related to the main content but also felt like a fresh story. It was also pleasingly challenging, and stepped up the difficulty from the main campaign.

I'd rate them as 7.5/10 main game; 2/10 Desperate Measures; and 9/10 A Criminal Past.
Far Cry Primal w/ HD Texture Pack - 6/10

I was certainly entertained by the concept of 10,000 BC but after the main story was complete and my village was built I had zero desire to finish out the rest. I'm a big fan of the far cry series but Primal was just meh.
Bioshock Infintie Buried at Sea DLC. Has there every been a better DLC release for a game than this? The story and how it ties it all back to the original Bioshock game is pure genius even if I did need the help of a Youtube guide to fully understand it all. This was my second time playing through it and I enjoyed even more this time. Such a shame Irrational games won't be working on any more Bioshock games - will we ever get a game with a story as well written as Bioshock and Infinite ever again? 10/10
Can't remember the last game I finished, I get bored with them long before finishing.
I always have 4-5 games that I play simultaneously - that way I only play each one for around an hour at a time or one chapter or level per night. This keeps me interested as I can get bored playing the same game for more than an hour or so. It also helps to have those 4 or 5 games made up of different types of games, I usually have a horror, RPG, FPS, point & click adventure, etc on the go. This also helps me keep disciplined in getting through my library as I'll replace one category of game with the same category once it's completed. Works for me anyway.
Just finished AC Syndicate, I zombied my way through the game, such an un-engaging series now where the plot feels lost. Also, the PC version is a stuttery affair, for smooth gameplay (with the help of freesync) I had to turn settings down a lot.
Just finished AC Syndicate, I zombied my way through the game, such an un-engaging series now where the plot feels lost. Also, the PC version is a stuttery affair, for smooth gameplay (with the help of freesync) I had to turn settings down a lot.

Agreed, the plot was really dull at times. Ran amazingly on my 1080Ti though and stunning too. Just finished it myself.

AC Syndicate - 6.5/10

SPAZ 2 - 7.5/10
Firewatch - really enjoyed playing through this and it looks stunning in it's own unique style. My problem with it was that the ending was a bit of anti-climax - I definitely felt like there was something more going on than I found out. I've seen a few YouTube videos discussing this so I'm going to have a look at those and see what's what... 8/10
Firewatch - really enjoyed playing through this and it looks stunning in it's own unique style. My problem with it was that the ending was a bit of anti-climax - I definitely felt like there was something more going on than I found out. I've seen a few YouTube videos discussing this so I'm going to have a look at those and see what's what... 8/10
That game made me feel really guilty about some of the choices I was making and what I was doing!
That game made me feel really guilty about some of the choices I was making and what I was doing!
Yeah it was really well done - I don't think I'd ever felt such an emotional connection to any character in a game - I was genuinely panicking along with Henry and D. After watching a few YouTube videos about the ending I realised the ending was absolutely deliberate in that it was abrupt - it was actually really clever - too clever for me actually but then that is normal for me! I love films and games with a clever plot or message that is a bit hidden but I'm never clever enough to figure it out for myself - I'm always researching others opinions afterwards to explain it for me... oh well - I don't enjoy them any less for it.
Wolfenstein New Order - 8/10 First foray back into PC FPS's for some time. Quite enjoyed it. Killing Nazi's never gets old.

Wolfenstein Old Blood - 7/10 Started slowly then just as the game got good I found out I'd killed the last boss and the credits ran. Considering I'd been taking my time and exploring as much as possible I was a bit disappointed to finish this in 7 hours.

Question is, what FPS to play next?
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